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Tw- sexual assault (if this sucks don't blame me, blame my lack of writing skills), underage drug use, underage smoking, underage drinking

Wilbur's POV

After Mr. Halo's class, I went to Ms. Puffy, which is science. I remembered that I had that class with Schlatt and instantly got uncomfortable and I hadn't even gotten to the class yet.

I got to the class a bit late so most of the seats were already taken when I got there. The one next to Schlatt wasn't taken and I didn't want to sit there, but I didn't want to bother anyone so I sat next to him.

We were in the back and instead of desks, there were tables in the classroom. Schlatt moved his chair closer to me. Like very close, he was basically touching me.

I looked at his eyes and they were slightly red. "Are you high?" I whispered.

"Yeah, why?" When'd he have time for that? We just started school.

"Damn, you could've told me, I would've gotten high with you," I joked.

"Let's ditch class together."

"Maybe next time, I'm trying to not fail the first week of being here. Now pay attention to Ms. Puffy"

He must have seen how uncomfortable I was because he whispered, "Don't worry this class is easy." Thanks, Schlatt but wrong. I'm not worried that this class is hard, I'm good at science, I was worried that you are going to do something.

"Okay," I whispered. I looked down at my hand in my lap and tried to focus on what Ms. Puffy was saying.

I guessed I zoned out or something because I don't remember Schlatt putting his hand on my thigh one second it wasn't there and the next it was.

His hand went up and down my thigh over and over until I couldn't take it anymore and raised my shaky hand.

Ms. Puffy paused what she was saying and called on me, "Yes Wilbur?"

"Could I go to the restroom please?"

"Yes, but be quick, I don't want you missing too much of the lesson."

"Thank you," I said as I was leaving the room.

Did I know where the bathroom was?

No, but it couldn't be that hard to find.

And I was right. I found the restroom quickly and went in there. I leaned against the counter, put my head in my hands, and took a breath.

When I turned around, I jumped because Schlatt was standing ominously behind me. He was the last person I wanted to see.

"O-oh hey Schlatt, you startled me!" I said with a nervous laugh. He had this mischievous grin on his face and without a word, he started walking toward me.

He trapped me in between him and the counter and got close to my face, "Hey man, w-what are you doing?"

"We're friends right, Wilbur?"

"Y-yeah, I think so," I said nervously.

"And friends don't get each other in trouble, so don't tell anyone what's about to happen. It can be our little secret."

The next few minutes went by painfully slow. It felt like his hands were burning my skin and like his lips were burning mine.

Anywear he touched it felt like flames were dancing on my skin. Time couldn't seem to move slower and I just wanted this to be over. Tears threatened to spill as I waited for this torture to end.

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