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Tw: underage smoking, pier pressure, driving without a license, underage drinking

Wilbur's pov

I'm currently in my room ignoring my problems by blasting music and writing music.

I've always liked writing music and playing guitar. I used to have one that one of my foster parents got me but he smashed it over my head.

It was a very sad day. It doesn't really matter though, I'm saving up for one. My ex Sally used to let me play her's for a while before we broke up and she moved away.

I don't know what to call this one yet, I'm thinking of La Jolla, but I don't know. I already wrote the music and played it before she moved so I just have to write the lyrics. I've been in my room for a couple of hours just writing lyrics.

Unfortunately, a knock on my door disturbed my train of thought. "Come in!" I yelled to the person on the other side of the door.

Tommy walked in, I was expecting Phil to be honest, and stood at my door awkwardly. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok.. Techno dragged me out before I could..."

"Yeah, I'm fine now, thanks for asking."

"Ok, that's good.. What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just writing lyrics for a song."

"You write music? Can I hear it? Please?"

"I don't really have a guitar to play it, so I kinda can't."

"Wait right here." He said then ran out of my room. I heard him knock on a door, presumably techno's considering how close it sounded.

I heard something along the lines of "Can I please have it." Well, he probably didn't say that it was probably ruder.

He yelled a thank you and ran into my room. He had a guitar behind his back, he was trying to hide it but was doing a bad job at it.

"Guess what I gottt." He said while walking over to me with a wide smile.

"What?" I decided to play along and act clueless.

"A guitar!" He pulled it out in front of him. "Dad got Techno, this years ago because he was trying to figure out what Techno liked but he never used it. So it's just been sitting in his room. I asked him if you could have it and he said sure."

He handed me the guitar and I stared at it then looked at Tommy. "Thank you so much, Tommy. Is it tuned?"

"Uhhh I don't know?"

Turns out it was not. So I spent a bit tuning it and Tommy sat on my bed watching me.

"It might not be good because I haven't played in a while," I warned him.

"I'm sure you'll be great! Now come onnnn!" He shook me and I laughed.

"Ok ok, stop shaking me, I can't play if you're shaking me." I laughed as he shook me. When he stopped and your laughter died down I started playing.

"You know it takes a lot to move me
So if you figure it out, tell me
I'll trace figures on your smile line
Work out formulae to cure me

And I'm lonely
There I said it
Nine million people
I always seem to add them up"

(If you think that's not a lot of lyrics just know he also played the wordless parts in the beginning and after those lyrics as well and that takes up 2 minutes which is half the song.)

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