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Tw- illegal buying of cigarettes? underage smoking, underage vaping

Philza's pov

After Wilbur left the room Mrs. Ashley brought us outside the room and began talking to me. "So which one of them do you like?" She asked me.

"I think we all like Wilbur," I told her, then looked at Techno and Tommy to make sure they weren't getting into any trouble.

"Really?" She looked a bit shocked. "Ok well, you can pick him up tomorrow at noon! Here is some paperwork you have to fill out though, when you're done put it on the desk. I do apologize for cutting this short, but I have something that I need to do." 

"It's fine, I'll see you at noon!" I filled out the papers and with that, we left the building to go home. "So what did you think of Wilbur boys?" I asked when we got inside the car.

"He's cool!" I heard Tommy yell from the back seat. "He's ok," Techno said from beside me.

"Be careful with him Techno, we don't know what he's been through, you out of all people should know," I said to him. He said a quiet 'I know' and we dropped the conversation.

Tommy, not liking the newfound quietness, started rambling about Tubbo and Ranboo until we got home.

Wilbur's pov

Within a couple of minutes of me messaging Q, he responded.

 Ducky <3

Hey when can we meet up
I'm almost out of cigs

We can today if ya wamt

Yeah today's goos
Same place and time?

Yeah normal amount as well

Yeah ik
See you then ducky

What'd I say about calling me that

(End of texting)

I smiled at the text and then shut off my phone. "Hey Jack I'm gonna meet up with Q later tonight, you wanna come?" I ask Jack. "Yeah sure it's not like I'm doing anything." He replied.

Now you might be asking why not just buy the cigarettes myself? I legally can't. Ok, so where does Q get them? I don't know, I just buy them I don't question him, who cares at least I'm getting them.

As to why I call him Ducky, it's a funny story, one time when I was buying from him in a park, a bunch of ducks came up to him and then proceeded to follow him for the next 2 hours. And more ducks would join the others every now and again. And now he refuses to go to any park with ducks.

Time skip brought to you by Tommy's balding head </3

Soon enough it was time for me and Jack to leave. I told Jack it was time to leave and we both went up to the window. I opened it and climbed down the wall easily. After I got down Jack also climbed the wall with practiced ease.

"Normal spot?" Jack asked me. I checked that I had everything I needed and said, "Yup." 

We started walking towards the normal meeting spot and we got far enough away from the building I pulled out a cigarette, making sure to blow the smoke away from Jack.

"Want one?" I asked, pointing the box towards him. "No thanks."

"Your loss," I said then tucked the box and lighter back into my pocket. After walking for a couple more minutes, we reached the meeting spot. I saw Q leaning against the wall just on his phone.

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