Chapter 11 - Start How You Mean to go on...

Depuis le début

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei
Nu ma nu ma iei, nu ma nu ma nu ma iei
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai

The couple gave the temporary chauffer incredulous looks as Dragostea Din Tei blasted into their ears.
Martins cheeks burned, and he quickly switched the radio off.
"Sorry!" He grimaced sheepishly through the windscreen mirror.
"I forgot to mention earlier. There's something I need you to do." Ethan grumbled, pulling his seatbelt on at the same time as Hannah.
"What's that?"


Hannah stood with the other mums at the school gate, watching with eager anticipation for the teacher to open the door and her daughter to appear.
Ethan had stayed in the car, out of sight down the road, to avoid the other mums bombarding them or being seem by passers by who could snap their photos.
She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face when the teacher came into view through the door window. This was it! Her first school pick up with Ethan. Would Bea be excited? She knew she would be.
"Mummy!!" Bea squealed, bolting around her teacher and running towards her.
"Hey, buzzy Bea!" She cried, opening her arms and letting her daughter crash into her, hugging her tightly. "Did you have a good day?"
Her daughter nodded and pulled back. "I drew you a picture, but I need to colour it in." She said seriously, making Hannah giggle.
"Ok, you can finish it at home."
She took her hand and led her baby girl towards the car in the opposite direction of home.
"Mummy, where are we going?" Bea asked in bewilderment, looking over her shoulder towards the way they usually go.
"I have a surprise for you..." she whispered mysteriously.
"Are we going to nanna and grandads?"
"Nope, try again..."
Ethan's nerves were shot! His mouth was bone dry, and he was studying the streets surrounding them for anyone watching them like a meerkat.
"Bro, relax!" Martin urged. "There's no one here!"
"They could be anywhere." He said suspiciously, spinning in his seat to check behind them through the back window. "I shouldn't be doing this!"
"You said yourself you wanted to start how you mean to go on. This is the first step."
"But I'm me!" He cried, twisting back round to stare at him, frustrated he wasn't seeing how dangerous this was for Hannah and Bea. "If they see them with me, they will pounce on them!"
"There is no one around, ok?" Martin tried to comfort his friend, his eyes spotting Hannah coming towards them, holding Bea's hand. "We will soon be back at hers, safe and sound. Look, they're here."
Ethans eyes latched on to the approaching mum and daughter, and his fears vanished. The corners of his lips stretched into a wide smile when he saw both of them looking so excited.
He rested his hand on the door latch, ready to exit the car once they got close enough.
"Is it ice cream?" Bea guessed.
"Nope. Something better."
"Oh, I know! The funfair!"
Hannah laughed at her baby girls persistent guessing game, and her eyes landed on the car waiting for them. She could see Ethan watching them get closer with the widest grin she'd ever seen on his face.
"Do you see that car?" She said, bending to point it out for Bea.
Bea nodded then realised who was watching them.
"ITS ETHAAAANNNN!!" She yelled in overwhelming excitement and ran towards the car at full speed, leaving her mum behind.
Ethan got out just in time to catch her and held her close.
"Hello, Princess! I missed you!!" He said, and he meant it.
The girl had left an everlasting impression on him since he met her, even if it hadn't been the best scenario at the time.
"What are you doing here?" She asked. "Where's your sports car?"
He grimaced and bit his lip. "I had to get rid of it." He said loosely.
She pouted at him, pulling at his heart strings. "I liked that car."
He smiled ruefully at her. "I'll get a new one soon, and when I do, you can help me pick the best one, yeah?"
Those were the magic words. The little angel started jumping up and down, squealing in pure delight.
Hannah finally caught up and arched a suspicious eyebrow at her daughters celebrating.
"What have you promised her?" She asked cautiously.
Ethan smirked before pretending to be offended. "What? Look, I'm not allowed to treat you, but I can't deny her!" He dropped to one knee, cupping Bea's chin and holding it so Hannah could see her face. Bea giggled at him.
"Just look at that face! I can't say no to that face!" He smooshed the girls' cheeks together gently, making Bea laugh louder.
Her mum rolled her eyes. "Don't turn her into a spoilt brat." She told him sternly.
"Like I would do such a thing." He denied flippantly.
Martin was chuckling at the adoring scene before him when he saw a mum round the corner with her two children.
"Ethan!" He called quickly in warning.
Ethan caught sight of the mum on the corner and quickly opened the door to the car.
"Come on, let's go." He said as calmly as he could while hiding himself away before he could get recognised.
He didn't want to worry Bea, but he couldn't trust anyone.
Hannah saw the mum herself and quickly followed his lead, ushering her daughter in the back seat after him, before slamming the door shut and jogging round to get in the front seat.
Bea was staring around at the three uncomfortable looking adults in confusion.
"Ok, so..." Martin grinned at the little girl to try and ease her. "Where to now?"
"Can we get ice cream?" Bea asked innocently.
"Yes." Ethan responded straight away.
"Ethan!!" Hannah cried in protest.
Ethan comically raised his hands up in surrender. "I can't say no! She's got me bewitched, just like her mum!"
She narrowed her eyes at him before giving in. "Alright, fine. But just this once!"

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