Incineroar: Ok they're ready.

Y/N: Who and who?

Incineroar: Zera and Lucas. Who else?!

Y/N: Ok, let me just get my stuff then.

You go to your room and obtain your stuff. As you're about to exit your room you notice that rainbow crystal Kyle had given you sitting at your desk.

Y/N: Maybe I'll need this. Can't be to sure that my girls are gonna be enough if it's Red.

You pack the crystal knowing its properties. As you return to your Pokémon the door bell rings. Knowing that it might be Leon and Hop catching up you warn everyone to stay calm. Zeraora acknowledged your warning and opened that door.

Hop: You ready yet mate?

Zeraora shouts and quickly zaps the boy half across the street. Incineroar face palms as she rushed to Hop. Hop shouts out-


As the pain in his body slowly graduates into an agonizing mess for him. Leon gives you a side eye as you chuckle embarrassingly before putting Zeraora back in her ball. A few hours go by as you land in the Galar region and quickly rush to the twins' house.

Y/N: Stay here, if she comes back tell her im nearby.

Hop: I'll go with you.

Y/N: Hop, as much as I admire you as a friend and stuff. You're terrible when it comes to battles.

Hop: Uh...ok.

Y/N: Just, stay here. I'll get your girl back.

You run off into the forest leaving Hop behind with a blush on his face.

Hop: She's not my girlfriend ya jerk!

You travel through an endless maze or trees and mist. Just like Gloria described it, without Zacian you could get lost easily.

Y/N: Dammit. Why is it always so fucken misty here?!

You reach into your bag and take out Zeraora.

Y/N: Zeraora, could you run through the forest and search for Gloria?

Zeraora: Sure can!

As she bolts away, you release Incineroar from her ball incase of an ambush. She breathes out fire as she looks around with a sepias tone running through her body. Moments later, Zeraora reappears and grab onto both of you, leading you to Gloria's location. Once arrived, you notice Gloria holding someone in her arms as she knees dormant.

Y/N: Gloria?

???: So you finally came.

With a horrified look, Red stood from across the battle field. You stood up and notice Zacian standing grand on her feet, exhausted and in pain with gashes along her fur. Zamazenta's shield was crushed in bits and loaves as he laid unconscious, his eyes left blank with his jaw left open. She gives one last strike before being swiped away by a quick and fierce purple aura. Her sword was warped and buried in the ground.

Y/N: What have you done...

Red: I done no harm, at least not anything permanent. He's still alive and breathing.

You look to your left and stare down at a very bruised up Victor rating on his sister's arms. His breathing is faint but he shows signs of survival. Zeraora begins to light up her fur as she takes up her fighting pose. Incineroar follows and lights her fiery mane with anger.

Red: See, I'm just doing this out of sport. I don't really need the power, just can't have any of you losers better than me y'know?

He said nonchalantly as a mysterious white Pokémon emerged from the fog. The Pokémon's eyes glowed with superior intent and it hovered over the floor.

Tomboy Incineraor x Pokemon TrainerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora