12. Nia

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"Your a lost case Nia!", Camilla exclaims as she face palms herself.

"What is it then? You keep telling me that the feelings which I have for Nico is not of love?! And I am supposed to believe that?!", I say irritated.

I had called Camilla over to make some plans about my next moves but after telling her how I feel about Nico she has been irritating me with this same nonsense that I don't love him?!

Well, I know this is absurd that the one I have been seeing as a brother has suddenly become my crush. But it is true...


Yes of course it is!

"What you are feeling now is just a feeling of owning him, which is very weird especially from you but yeah that is what it is.", Camilla continues.

"You know what? I will just ask Amy to help me. You don't have to if you keep talking about such nonsense!" I lash out.

"See, both you and Nico are my friends Nia. I want the best of both of you. Believe me you are going to regret it later.", Camilla says before getting up from my bed.

"And also was this the same feeling that you felt when you were together with him? Ask yourself that Nia. Don't do the boy so dirty. He deserves much more", Camilla continues as she walks up to the door of my bedroom.

"Think about it once again Nia. Don't you think it is too soon for you to fall in love with him?", Camilla says at last before leaving me hanging there doubting myself again.


I facetimed Amy and she said the same thing that Camilla said.

Do I truly not love him?

Isn't wanting somebody is like liking them in the romantic sense?

You have anxiety or get tense to lose them in the hands of somebody which I was having.

Or was it simply because he is a good friend of mine that I do not want to lose him?

Ugh! Now I am all confused.

I take out our old album of photos. Full of memories about our Twisted family.

There is this album with everyone in our family.

It has all the lovely memories of our past and when we were small. Our baby photos. Our first trip together to Seoul together. Everything

I love to go through this album whenever I am down.

As I flip a few pages I notice a picture of me and Nico play family where I am smiling at the camera while Nico is looking at me with the empty plastic cup in hand and a smile on his face.

This is one of my favourite photos here.

I take out the picture and keep the album back on the shelf.

I lay down on my bed and look at the picture.

Nico has always been cute. Since a baby up till now.

He really is a sweetheart. Do I even deserve him?
I could not maintain my past relationship nor could I maintain my friendship with my friends from school.

He has always been caring towards me.

And I have always thought of him as an elder brother.

To have fallen for him just in a few weeks of coming here is very absurd honestly I admit.

Do I really love him? Or is this a sister instinct of losing a brother to some woman's hand?

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