Prolouge (?)

13 1 0

12:00 am

Author's POV

"Ughh... Where.... Where am I?" America wakes up with a headache... She sees her friends unconscious on the floor...

"Mexi.... Wake up.... Bish, wake up!" She yelled and shook Mexico.

Mexico started to regain consciousness, "Ughh... Where are we?.... My head...."

"The f-!? Dude! Get off me!" She pushed Meri (America) away. "Geez... You were so close to my face...."

Meri rolled her eyes and went to wake up the rest..

12:15 am

"So.... What now?" Russia crossed her arms... She slightly glared at Meri for some reason

"I don't know... We wait or something?" Tawain spoke up, which was unusual since he usually never talks

"GUYS! OVER HERE!" Indonesia yelled. "You should see this!" He led them to a table with a note on top of it.

France grabbed it and read it. "Hello, countryhumans.... I will have brought you here for entertainment, you see... Some of you are TRAITORS and will betray the rest.... Find these traitors before they end you all..." 

"Entertainment?! End us all!? Whoever put us here is a sadist!" Panama said, terrified. "Like you, Meri...."

"Wait what- Okay... I admit that I'm a sadist but no way, I'm going to do this!"

Nama and Meri kept on arguing while Venezuela and Canada were trying to hold them till the lights went out........

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