Vol. 3 Chp. 5: Class B's and A's Camps

Start from the beginning

Ichinose continued, "I also figured the amount of water is abundant. It'd be enough even to use it for the shower. This is a water shower."

It was the prominent machine placed next to the well.

"I can make hot water when I put water in this tank in a few seconds. It's convenient. I'm using it now since the heat source from the gas can be removed. If it runs out, I ask for supplementation."

Horikita asked Ichinose, who somewhat mockingly explained using the unexpected tool as something ordinary, "Did you know about this water shower?"

"No. I've just heard about it and used it for the first time. The school rules are pretty scary, aren't they? There aren't any details in the manual. You can't ask teachers detailed questions either. We were saved because a kid in our class is familiar with outdoor activities."

A single-button-press tent was set with a simple toilet near the water shower. There was nothing inside.

"We're using this instead of a shower room so that kids who hate being seen by others while taking a shower can use it. The fabric is also waterproof."

So that's why it's empty. It makes sense since the ground inside the tent is wet.

"You don't have trouble with the hard ground when you go to sleep?"

"Ah-yes. I thought of what to do first, but I took appropriate measures. Want to see?"

After receiving objections from the babbling girls inside, Ichinose lifted a little under the tent.

Under the tent is spread a thick vinyl, which thickness is about 2 cm.

"When we paid with our points for a simple toilet, it was a rule that the usage of vinyl was unlimited. Maybe I used too much, but we had it already in large quantities. Of course, I do not want to waste our resources, so I plan to use a lot of our unused vinyl at once. I intend to return it all in the end."

'Can we have the extra vinyl?'

"Sure, there are boxes over there filled with them," Ichinose beamed, pointing in a direction.

I made my way over to the direction that Ichinose pointed. I saw Shiranami sitting on a hammock and staring into the distance.

A waved a hand in her face.

She was startled, "Oh, Kagurazaka-kun! Sorry, I wasn't paying attention..." She mutters before she goes back to staring.

I followed her eyes as I noticed that she was looking at Ichinose.

I spotted the boxes and reached for them when my vision was covered.

"Can you see?" A feminine voice asked.

I shook my head.

I removed the hands that were covering my eyes and turned around. A girl with purple hair tied in a ponytail had a sly smirk, "Well, do you come here often?"

"Oh, hey Kagurazaka-kun. I didn't know you were coming here today!" Andou and Minamikata walked up to us.

"Eh? Sayo-san, do you know him?" The purple-haired girl asked.

"Yeah," Andou said.

The girl turned to me, "Well, I'm Amikura Mako, and it's nice to meet you!"

The girl turned to me, "Well, I'm Amikura Mako, and it's nice to meet you!"

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