Chapter 13

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Atlas picked up Pihu on his left shoulder like a bag as if she weighed nothing. Pihu kept crying and hitting his back but to no avail. He took Pihu back to his room and dropped her on the bed. The bed was soft, so no injury but the impact shocked her.
He smirked and started unbuttoning his shirt just to scare Pihu a little. He had no intention of touching her without her consent as of now. Pihu scurried back and suddenly her eyes found Atlas's gun.
Atlas saw Pihu eyeing the gun and smiled within. He thought to let the game linger even more. Pihu turned and with all her might, grabbed the gun and pointed at Atlas. Atlas kept on unbuttoning his shirt and gradually unbuckled his belt. As he slid his belt out , Pihu's eyes bulged out at his actions and with trembling hands she warned, "If you come closer to me, I'll...I'll shoot." Like an animal attracted towards his prey, Atlas bent on 4 and moved towards Pihu. Pihu kept on repeating the same words in an even more stammered form. Atlas reached near her and with a devil smile, he kept his head on the nozzle of the gun. "If you press the trigger now lawyer, you will be free of me forever. No-one would dare say anything, you have my word. Press the trigger."
A river of tears started flowing and Pihu's trembling hands only made the situation worst. Within seconds, the offer was gone and Atlas held Pihu's hand, snatched his gun and smoothly flipped Pihu on the bed with him on top of her and the gun pointed in the middle of her boobs. Shocked would be an understatement. Her breath hitched and she went cold, pale and white out of fear.
"My sexy lawyer, you should know that until you cock the gun, it wouldn't work." Saying this, Atlas cocked his gun with a loud "click". One press and Pihu would have gone forever, but that wasn't Atlas's plan. He could not let even a bird harm his Pihu. ❤️

He bend down and whispered, "Mine, you are mine to take." "Now breathe." Pihu took a long breath which she had been holding since long. It was becoming her habit, she guessed. Just then Atlas's phone rang and he picked it up. All Pihu could hear was a stern "Get him out of the way."

Atlas got up from her and informed, "The closet has some clothes, freshen up and go have some breakfast from the kitchen. Ask the maid to prepare whatever you want to eat. Enjoy and spend the time like a good girl. Don't try to run away because the moment you step your feet outside, I can't guarantee what's gonna happen to you." He turned back and said, "you might even get raped by my men if you try to run away. Don't give them reasons to lust on you. I won't be able to help because it's their eyes, you are not mine yet." Atlas spoke this with so conviction that Pihu could now see her entire life trapped in this hell hole just at the mercy of the Mafia Atlas Salvatore.

She went to take bath and came out to find an entire closet full of new clothes, sexy and revealing all in her size. Lacy innerwear and thongs were present in a separate section. She picked up the modest ones and got dressed. Thereafter she marched across the whole mansion just to find the kitchen. She thought to herself "there should at least be a map to find a certain place. How long should I keep roaming around to find specific rooms?"

After breakfast, actually brunch, she slumped on the couch to watch Tv and plan her escape. Yes, escape- safe escape without getting caught. She didn't want to die, neither wanted to get raped. Thinking about everything, she fell asleep on the couch itself.

Meanwhile, Atlas came back and saw her sleeping peacefully on the couch. He watched her for sometime and then went away to freshen up and work in his reading room.

When Pihu woke up, she found few maids preparing for dinner and a few men roaming here and there. She quickly pulled her dress a little down and started roaming around. She didn't know if Atlas was back home.
Pihu had never been off work in the recent few years and had no idea what to do if not working. She wasn't even allowed to go out and this house had no resources to entertain herself. In a lost and frenzy mode, she reached the kitchen, took a glass of water and gulped it down. She saw a lady in red skirt and white shirt, chopping some vegetables. After thinking for a while, Pihu tapped on her shoulder and asked in a fumbling manner, "Are there books around? If you know... Actually I am bored, I don't know what to do here and all my friends have gone. So if possible....." The girl looked surprised. She took a moment and replied, "there's a room full of ancient books, but that is also sir's office. I will not suggest you to go there because sir never allows anyone inside that room. But you can ask Dave sir, he can get you some books from there to read. Dave sir will come for dinner at 9pm."

Pihu felt a bit odd but decided she can ask Atlas herself. Atlas was not her "sir". Since he had wrongfully confined her in his home, he can atleast allow her to roam around his house freely. What would a poor soul even do in this huge mansion without anything of entertainment.

She followed the alleyway and asked a few workers on the way about the reading room. Finally she reached and with a long breath, she opened the room. A long path with beautiful carpet and books on either side came into sight. She was in awe of the view infront of her. She kept moving inside the room and exploring all the shelves. What she didn't realise was that right behind the left shelf was an area with a beautiful mahogany desk and an antique huge chair on which someone was seated smoking a cigar and reading few documents. Atlas had seen her moving forward and realised that she had not noticed his presence in the room. He quietly left his cigar, locked the room and followed her from behind, just like a hunter after his prey.

At the end of the aisle, the moment she turned around to go back, she collided with a strong chest and her face went pale. "I justt...I justttt wanted a aaa boook." She hung her head low and said, "I was bored, I am sorrryy...I shouldn't have barged in like this. Sorry." Her eyes welled up from fear. That is when Atlas realised how scared she is from him. Taking the advantage of such things is what Atlas had learnt in his entire business. He moved forward and traced his finger on Pihu's face but didn't say anything. He kept on staring at her. When Atlas came closer to Pihu, she scrunched up her nose as if smelling something strong. She realised that he had been smoking.
She tried to move aside and go away but Atlas trapped her again between him and the wall. She realised that there are maids outside and she thought that she could take advantage of it. "I am gonna shout if you don't let me go. The maids outside will hear what you are doing to me." Atlas took a step back and Pihu thought, "Wow, it worked." But then he looked at her, he raised an eyebrow, "what makes you think that the maids would bother me? And also, just for information, this room is sound proof my lawyer. 😈" He stepped closer and whispered, " I like my prey a little scared before it's death." Pihu's blood ran cold. "What have I done to you? Why have you kept me like this? If it is about that murder I saw, I promise I am not gonna tell even a single soul. Please let me go...." Saying all this in one breath, Pihu dropped down and started crying.

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