Chapter 5 (Arrested Attention)

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Location: The Mysterious Planet of Mortis. An ethereal realm outside of normal space and time.

"Bravo! BRAVO FATHER!" The son said sardonically, while dramatically slowing down the tempo of his clapping hands.

"In all your infinite wisdom, you unleashed the Anzati on the galaxy just to stop
me, and all you've done is force the creation of  this... what? Vergence? Freak?" He let out a cruel laugh before continuing: "Such power willl be of great use to me.

"You assume, she is an agent of darkness like yourself!"  The daughter replied.

"She incinerated, twenty beings! Darkness belies those kind of actions." He countered

She saved that village from violence and ruin! Those are actions that speak of selflessness, and loyalty. They are the actions of a soul bathed in light, not one stained in darkness."

"Silence!" The father bellowed.
You are, both of you, blinded by your own ambitions. YES! The girl possesses incredible power, to be sure... But it is raw and lacks nuance or direction."

For several moments, he just stood there, arms crossed, face drawn in concentration, as he used his impressive gift in foresight, to properly assess the situation.

He knew that if this girl was recruited by either the son or the daughter, the balance of light to dark, would irrevocably be thrown askew. The responsible thing, would be to... eliminate her... quietly. Or... there was another possibility. If she was, indeed, as powerful as her recent actions had indicated, than maybe... just maybe... she could be made into an Ally... HIS ALLY!

With another agent of balance on his side, the Daughter and the Son could effectively be controlled and contained.

"Very Well!" He announced.

"Both of you, are to leave her alone!" Knowing, all too well, that they would not. He was counting on them both trying to seduce her to their own respective camp. If she was, tempted by the light or the dark, then she would be an unsuitable ally, and would have to be eliminated.

But... if she resisted... If she showed  a penchant for neutrality and a mildness of spirit, then...
Well, then he would see.

"The important thing is, we have identified the source of that mysterious disturbance we had felt earlier!"

Although the disturbance he spoke of had occurred ten standard years before, here, in this mysterious realm, time had no meaning. Ten years, a hundreds years, a thousand years? It meant no difference to this powerful creatures.

The Father continued:
"The girl will live, for now.
We will watch her growth to maturity with great anticipation!"

Both of them bowed to the Father as he left the courtyard. When they raised their headsp, both of them gave the other a conspiratorial look that intimated the unspoken agreement between them:

The girl was the prize!  And idly by, they would not stand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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