Chapter 28: Take Down

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By breakfast the next day, everyone had known that Dumbledore had fled the castle. How they knew, Harry wasn't entirely sure but the theories of why were pretty wild. The funniest thing about it was that very few people had guessed it had anything to do with Harry, so for the first time in his life, the Hogwarts rumour mill was not entirely focused on him. Not that that would last, considering Snape had informed him that the Aurors were coming to talk to him today about what happened. It wasn't like they could cover it up, and Harry wouldn't want to. Revealing to the world that the revered and renowned Albus Dumbledore, leader of the Light, had tried to kill the Wizarding World's Saviour was going to crush his reputation. The only problem was that the Aurors were definitely going to ask for memories, which meant Harry had to let Snape shuffle through his head and get rid of any mention of the Horcruxes in the memory. It was awful and uncomfortable and made Harry want to throw up, but they got it done in just over an hour, just before Harry had to make his way to breakfast.

A grim-faced McGonagall stood in front of the Great Hall that morning and addressed the school.

"As you have no doubt noticed, Albus Dumbledore is no longer at the school, there was an incident with a student who will not be named for their privacy, and Dumbledore has fled the school. So I will be taking over as Interim Headmistress, for the time being, that is all," and with that somehow frustratingly vague but also extremely telling comment, McGonagall took a seat in the Headmaster's seat, and the hall exploded in whispers.

An hour later, the Auror's showed up, and Harry was pulled from Gryffindor Tower by McGonagall. If there was any doubt about which student had the altercation with Dumbledore, it was gone now.

Harry was led to the Headmaster's office, which Harry thought was a bit dumb. He'd been almost killed there; if Harry wasn't certifiably insane more often than not, surely he'd have some reservations about being back in there. McGonagall sat in the Headmaster's seat, and Harry noticed two Auror's in the office. He didn't recognise either of them from either side, which was probably a good thing.

"This office suits you, Professor," Harry said sheepishly as he sat down across from McGonagall.

"Thank you, Mr Potter. I do wish it hadn't been under these circumstances, however," McGonagall said with a sad smile in Harry's direction.

"Mr Potter, can you please tell me what transpired between yourself and Albus Dumbledore yesterday afternoon?" One of the Auror's asked.

Harry took a deep breath, "Honestly, it's all still a bit confusing," Harry said, looking wide-eyed between the Auror's.

"I understand. Just explain as best as you can, Mr Potter," the other Auror said with an understanding smile.

"Well basically, Snape, sorry Professor Snape, told me to stay after Potions yesterday, and then he told me Dumbledore had told him to bring me up to his office," Harry said.

"And did Professor Snape tell you the reason for the meeting?" The first Auror asked.

Harry shook his head, "No, he just escorted me up."

"Ok, what happened when you arrived?" The second Auror asked.

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