Chapter 16: Confrontations

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Harry was sitting in the Library, checking over his holiday homework, when he felt the couch shift next to him.  Assuming it was Barty or Draco, Harry paid it no attention and kept writing.  Suddenly he felt something slink over his shoulder.  He turned to look and came face to face with a twelve-foot python, who was staring at him with large yellow eyes.  Harry let out a quite undignified squeak.

"Hello, Little Speaker." Nagini hissed at Harry.

Harry slapped a hand over his chest and tried to calm his thundering heart down. "Fucking hell, Nagini.  You scared the shit out of me.  You can't just sneak up on people like that."

Nagini made a noise that sounded almost like a hissy chuckle. "But it's funny."

Harry rolled his eyes. "You and Tom are two fucking peas in a pod, aren't you."

"I don't like peas.  No meat.  Too small."  Nagini said with a nod of her head.

"No, that's... Ok, I don't even know how to explain that to a snake."  Harry said, shaking his head.

"You have not come to speak to me, little speaker.  I was most excited when Tom told me there would be another speaker, and you haven't come to speak to me at all.  It is rude."

"My apologies, Nagini.  If I had known you wanted to speak to me, I would have come and found you sooner."

If snakes could huff, Nagini would have done so. "Well, now you know.  So I expect that we will be talking every day."

"Of course, Your Majesty."  Harry laughed.

"Your Majesty.  I like that.  I will inform Tom of my new name as soon as I see him."

Harry laughed. "Oh, he's gonna love that!"

Nagini looked at Harry for a long moment, "Did you know that you taste of Death, Little Speaker? "

"Is that your way of telling me I need a shower because I just had one!"  Harry said, lifting his shirt to sniff his underarms self consciously.

"No, silly speaker.  Your magic, it tastes of Death."  Nagini stated as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"You can taste my magic?" Harry asked, fascinated.

"Oh yes.  It is wonderful.  You have much power, little speaker. I've been around a long time, and I've never smelt anything like it."  Nagini flicked her tongue out, tasting the air.

"Huh," Harry said to himself.

Harry returned to his homework, and Nagini seemed content to just sit with him and occasionally make interesting remarks.

"Fucking hell, Harry.  Is that Nagini?" Barty's voice sounded from the entrance to the Library, and almost in sync, Harry and Nagini turned to look at him. Barty's eyes widened, "Well, that was fucking terrifying."

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