Chapter 27: Fled

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Harry twirled the wand between his fingers, looking right at Dumbledore, his scared little boy persona dropping right off his face, replaced by what Harry imagined Dumbledore thought looked very much like a young Tom Riddle.

Dumbledore began to pale as if he had finally realised the gravity of his mistake.

"Now, my boy," Dumbledore started, but Harry cut him off.

"Oh, cut the shit, Dumbledore." Harry scoffed, "You just tried to kill me."

"It was for the greater good," Dumbledore tried to reason.

"The greater good," Harry sneered, " Can suck my dick."

"I knew the Horcrux was influencing you, Harry," Dumbledore said gravely.

"Oh, go fuck yourself, you stupid old man," Harry pointed the wand at Dumbledore, not really sure what he was going to do. Not that it really mattered, because the second the wand moved, Dumbledore had clapped his hands over his head and flamed out of the room with Fawkes.

Harry scoffed, "Bloody coward."

Harry made his way back down the stairs of Dumbledore's office, the Elder wand clenched tightly in his hand, to find Snape pacing up and down the corridor. Upon hearing the Gargoyle move, Snape snapped his eyes to take Harry in before letting out a soft sigh.

"Where's Dumbledore?" Snape asked softly.

"Fled the Castle, look, I really need to talk to Tom. Can you cover for me?" Harry asked.

"Of course, go," Snape said with a quick nod.

Harry ran up to Gryffindor Tower, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to him, to grab his cloak, before making his way into the Forbidden Forest, where he knew the anti-apparition wards ended.

Quickly apparating to Riddle Manor, Harry practically sprinted up to Tom's study, hoping to all hope he was there.

When a soft 'come in' answered his knock, Harry let out a soft sigh before entering.

Tom looked up as Harry walked into the room, "Harry? What are you doing here?"

Harry flopped himself down on the chair and took a deep breath, "Dumbledore tried to kill me."

All the windows in the office shattered.

"What?" Tom hissed, almost in Parseltongue.

"Dumbledore called me into his office; actually, he asked Snape to bring me up and essentially guard the door. Told me I was a Horcrux, tried to kill me, I disarmed him, and then he used Fawkes to flee the castle and now I'm here," Harry said, probably a bit brightly considering the circumstances.

"And Severus just took you up?" Tom was practically frothing at the mouth with rage.

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