"Because I told him to!" Harry replied passionately, absolutely not wanting Snape to get in trouble, and wasn't that a bizarre feeling.

"You did what?" Tom hissed again.

"He practically begged me to leave the castle, pretty sure he had fucking passports ready to get me out of the country, but I told him to do what Dumbledore said because we need him as a spy," Harry replied.

"You are far more important than a fucking spy, Harry! For Merlin's sake, you could have died. I could have lost you!" Tom yelled at him.

"You would still have Nagini as a Horcrux; it's not like I'm your only one," Harry said with a roll of his eyes.

Tom threw his hands up in the air, "I don't give a fuck about the damn Horcrux, Harry! I care about you!"

Harry stilled, "What?"

"You idiotic child, did you think I only cared for you because of the Horcrux?" Tom asked.

"Well, yeah. Sort of," Harry replied, not looking at Tom.

"Harry, look at me." Tom said quietly, and Harry looked up, "Yes, my initial care for you was due to the Horcrux, but I wouldn't have made you my heir if that was the case. I care for you like you're my own child, Harry and I couldn't bear it if something happened to you."

"Bit old to be my dad, Tom. Maybe like my Grandfather," Harry mumbled awkwardly, not really sure how to react to such a heartfelt declaration. 

Not that he didn't have the same feelings towards Tom. It felt a bit like a betrayal to his actual parents considering he had been the one to kill them, but no one had ever looked after him the way Tom had. No adult in his life seemed to care about Harry beyond his role as the Boy-Who-Lived, and don't even get him started on the Dursley's. And don't get him wrong, Harry loved Sirius, but Sirius was never a father figure to him; he was more like an uncle or a weird older brother. But Tom had looked after him, cared for him, looked out for him, and it was a very odd feeling.

Tom laughed and came around the desk to pull Harry into a hug, "I'm glad you're safe."

When Tom pulled back, he noticed the wand in Harry's hand, "Harry, is that Dumbledore's wand?"

"Oh yeah, it's mine now," Harry said, "Oh, um, also, I think I'm the Master of Death."

Tom choked, "What did you say?"

"Well, see, I caught the wand, and then I felt all this power, like crazy power, and then I was in this white space, I guess,  and then this car pulled up, and a lady got out and was like 'Hi, I'm Death, wasn't expecting you yet, you got my Hallows' blah blah, and then said I could be a necromancer if I wanted and like I'm still not really sure what happened, but she said I could call her anytime I wanted, maybe I should call her now?" Harry rambled off, not even taking a breath, as a very bewildered Tom watched on. "Um, Death?" Harry called out.

"Hello, Little Bird," Death appeared next to Harry.

Storm of Truth by DearClara Where stories live. Discover now