❤ chapter three ❤

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The group was silent. Ah, the glories of head counselor meetings. Around twenty campers, plus Mr. D and Chiron, sat around the table, where they were supposed to be discussing a plan. Leo was grumbling about having no time to add another room to the ship, though Cadence didn't know what ship he was talking about, and everyone else seemed uneasy. 

"I say we kick him out of camp."


At least they seemed to dislike the idea. Cadence was a little afraid of how they would react, considering the whole "befriend or betray," thing. He was a little afraid of a lot of things but he wouldn't show it. 

"It's clear that he must go on the quest. This is not a choice." Chiron said though he looked hesitant. Leo groaned and stood. "Well, he'll have to sleep in the stables. I don't have time to make another room." 

"Do you guys not have a couch???" Cadence asked, thoroughly concerned. His eyes moved from left to right, following the conversation. They were still pink, though he wasn't glowing anymore.

Leo sneered. "You seem like you get along with horses." Cadence fucking hated horses. 

"The beds you guys used are full-size, right? That would fit two people." Annabeth offered. Leo sighed but nodded, fiddling with two wires he pulled from his toolbelt. Cadence wondered how much stuff he had in there. 

"Yeah. Jason, do you mind sharing?" He looked to the son of Zeus, who was currently zoned. "Yo, earth to Sparky!" Leo flicked him on the head and Jason jumped. "What was that?" He repeated what he had said and Jason shook his head. "Nah. I snore really loud." (Lies) Leo turned.

"Well, he can share with Percy, then." He concluded. Annabeth sucked in a breath, and while Cadence didn't know who Percy was, he could assume it was someone important to her. Annabeth mumbled something about how we shouldn't do that without asking but never said anything directly to anyone. 

The son of Hephaestus clapped his hands once. "Alright. It's decided then. We leave in a few days. I've already sent the message to Camp Jupiter. Meeting adjourned." 

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"Do you like the ship?" 

"It's fine." 

Cadence ran his hand along the wooden railing, only just then aware of the person standing beside him. 

Leo's curly hair seemed unaffected by the wind, but he smelled slightly of gasoline and sawdust. His eyes had bags under them and his shoulders sagged. He scoffed. "Fine? Do you know how long I spent building this?" His hands were on his hips and his face contorted into a scowl. Cadence deadpanned. "A long time, I assume." 

"Gods, you're insufferable." Leo growled and stomped off. 

"I know I am! It's one of my best traits!" Cadence called out after him. He was promptly (and rudely) ignored.

They hadn't taken off yet. It was around noon. They planned to leave at night and arrive in the daytime. "What's with him?" Piper asked, leaning on the railing next to him. 

"I didn't show enough appreciation for the ship." He explained. Piper chuckled and cast a glance in the direction that Leo left. "Compliment it a couple of times. He almost killed himself while working on it." Cadence nodded and shifted his gaze to the camp. They were so lively. So... energetic. It was odd. 

He wasn't used to being around people like that. Piper was cool, though. She seemed friendly enough but wasn't overbearing. "Maybe." He responded. 

"It's lunchtime. You coming?" She asked. He gave a thumbs-up and followed her to the mess hall. He sat at the Aphrodite table, since that was the most similar god to Eros (and he had been staying in their cabin as well), with Piper. 

"Heyyyyy, Cadence~" Drew leaned into him flirtatiously. He groaned internally. God, I hate this bitch. She fluttered her eyelashes and tapped her nails against the table. He ignored her and continued to eat his pasta. She huffed and continued her previous conversation with Lacey, realizing that he wasn't going to give her any attention. 

"Are you excited about the quest?" Mitchell asked. Cadence merely shrugged. "I guess. It's a little unnerving since I barely know these people. But whatever." Mitchell nodded in understanding, poking at his salad with his fork. "Don't worry too much. I'm not close with any of them, other than Piper, but they all seem really cool."

"What about the people we're going to get? How do I know that they're good people?" Cadence ignored the fact that he himself was not a good person and should not be judging the morality of others. "Well, I guess you don't know. But I've met Percy, and he's pretty awesome." Cadence held back a scoff. Everyone talked about how awesome Percy was. But he doubted that this guy was even taller than him. Really not that hard to be taller, since the son of Eros was only 5'10, but whatever. 

"He sounds annoying. I don't like heroes. The people that say they'll save you, but they prioritize the majority and leave you in the dust."

Mitchell was now staring at him with something similar to sympathy in his eyes. Cadence wanted to hurl. "People like that are useless and stupid. I'm sure he's nothing but a show off." Cadence continued on, hoping to make Mitchell stop questioning his dramatic backstory. 

Mitchell glared at him. Mission success. He might have just lost a potential friend, but eh, it's fine. 

"Percy isn't a hero. He's a savior. Someone that would sacrifice his life for his friends. And someone that is loved and cherished by all. So shut your mouth, Pinkie Pie." 

Cadence turned around to see Annabeth standing behind him with a hand on her hip. "Pinkie Pie? Is that your idea of an insult? My Little Pony is a masterpiece, dipshit." What he didn't say was: my eyes are very cool, you blonde bitch. 

Annabeth laughed lifelessly. Her eyes held no twinkle as she defended her boyfriend. "Shut the fuck up. Quit shit talking my boyfriend." 

His eyebrows furrowed and he stood up. "Nah, I'm good. I like shit talking people." 

Annabeth's eyes widened and she took a step forward, now only a few feet away from him. "Bet that's why you don't have a girlfriend." She must have thought she said something really hurtful. But Cadence only chuckled. 

"I don't have a girlfriend because I'm gay." 

Annabeth was quiet for a moment. "Bet that's why you don't have a boyfriend." She corrected herself

"Ok, fair." Cadence shrugged and sat back down to finish his food. Just then, Leo stood up on his table. 


The son of Eros sighed and stood up to scrape his leftovers into the fire. He looked back to Mitchell. 

"See you soon. I hope it's soon, at least."

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