Celestial Intervention Agency (Raven)

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(Raven has yet to be depicted physically since she's an audio character so instead of a character photo I'll have a photo of the actress)


"I don't mind being in danger, Raven. For better or for worse I have chosen to put myself in danger, but I will not abide anyone, anyone, putting my friends in harms way like that! Is that understood?!" The Doctor declared angrily as he stared at the Timelady standing before him in his Tardis.

 For better or for worse I have chosen to put myself in danger, but I will not abide anyone, anyone, putting my friends in harms way like that! Is that understood?!" The Doctor declared angrily as he stared at the Timelady standing before him in h...

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"Oh" Raven drew out the sound as she stared at the Doctor. "You think you can threaten me?" She let out a small laugh. "Ha. How... sweet" she smirked evilly. "Or perhaps I should say... meaningless"

"You know the evil I have fought out there in the universe, more than you'll ever encounter in your cloistered Timelord life

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"You know the evil I have fought out there in the universe, more than you'll ever encounter in your cloistered Timelord life. Don't underestimate what I have learnt from that evil and how I might turn it against you if put in a corner!"

Raven breathed in excitedly and let it out quickly again. "Perhaps you're more ruthless than I gave you credit for" she pointed to the Doctor before continuing. "But you opted for this life Doctor, so did both of your little friends. So, whether you like it or not I will continue to put you all in harms way" she was right of course, the doctor had taken the chance when given it to put off his forced regeneration, to work for the Celestial Intervention Agency and by extension, Raven.

She stared straight into the Doctor's eyes. "But do remember this, I can seize and coerce any incantation of you that I see fit!" She smirked evilly as the Doctor involuntarily took a step back with a look of shock.

"Oh, you wouldn't dare..." the Doctor shook his head slowly.

"I can steal, destroy, co-opt, and ruin any one of your lives" Raven kept her evil smirk as she slowly stepped closer and closer to the Doctor. "Past and future" she was finally right in front of him. "I can even force you to regenerate, make you do unspeakable things, wipe your memory entirely and pop you back where you belong. And you'd be none the wiser. And you'd never know how much blood you had on your hands"

"Exactly whose authority are you acting upon?" The Doctor asked immediately, shocked any Timelord would act this way.

"Higher than you will ever know, so unless you and McCrimmon play nicely, remember, things can always get worse" she was right up in his face at this point, her smirk wider than ever. "Much, much, worse" she breathed in and out right in his face before finally backing up as the doctor stared at her in horror. "Ah, you can stare at me all you like Doctor, but you're simply wasting precious recovery time. Why not have a cup of tea? Put your feet up. Have a snooze"

The Doctor was silent for a second as he recovered his composure. "And when does our next mission begin?"

"When I decide" Raven spoke simply as she looked over the Tardis console which she had just walked back to. "Bon Voyage" she waved before disappearing in a flash of light and dematerialization noises.

"I meant what I said Raven, I meant what I said!" The Doctor whisper yelled to himself as he balled his fists and clenched them.


Raven laughed as she rematerialized, no longer able to hold in the sadistic sound. "Oh that was wonderful" she spoke as she turned to the man beside her. She was still in the Doctor's Tardis, just a different room, one of the bedrooms. "You should have seen how terrified I made that little man"

"I'm sure it was wonderful" (y/n) spoke as he sat on the bed, looking up at Raven. He seemed deep in thought, he looked a bit guilty too.

Raven raised an eyebrow as she walked over to the man and grabbed his chin, making him look up at her. "Don't tell me you feel bad" she whispered in a sad tone.

"I mean-" he was quickly silenced as Raven glared at him.

"You are my agent on this Tardis. Your will is my will" she let go of him. "If guilt is going to be an issue I could always... pull you out. Send someone else in"

"The Doctor would-"

"He would know nothing" Raven declared swiftly and seriously. "I could replace all his memories of you with someone else and he'd never even know I'd done it"

"No" (y/n) shook his head. "No I'm fine. I can do this" he was saying it more to himself than to Raven. It hurt to betray The Doctor and Jamie like this but it needed to be done, better someone who could also help them than someone who would just do as Raven said and no more.

"Good" Raven leaned down and placed a manipulative kiss on his lips as she held his cheeks with her hand, squeezing them too hard. "I'd really hate to have to wipe your memories of this time" the idea sent a shiver down the boys spine, something which didn't go unnoticed by Raven. "But I won't hesitate if it becomes necessary"

"I know you won't" (y/n) replied simply as Raven finally let go of his face, it ached from where her nails and fingers dug into his skin. "I won't let you down"

"I know you won't" Raven parroted his words and gave him what was almost a sincere smile. "We'd never have made it this far without you" that was a lie of course, they'd have made it here even without someone on the Tardis. She just wanted to make him feel special.

It was silent for a moment before Raven sat down beside the man, the one she'd gone to the academy with when they had both been but children. "I've pulled some strings. If your mission succeeds in the end then you'll be promoted"

(Y/n) nodded. "Good. I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a field operative"

Raven resisted the urge to offer the man an extra regeneration, one which would be stronger both physically and mentally. She was one of the few on Gallifrey who could offer that. "Then I'll have you made my assistant once your mission is done. Simple enough. The CIA has been more dreary without you"

"Has it?" (Y/n) asked with a small laugh. It had been dreary when he was there, he dreaded to think of how much more so it could get.

"It has" Raven whispered as she leaned closer to her fellow Timelord. It hadn't actually felt more dreary, but again she just wanted to calm him and make him more comfortable with their relationship. "I've... missed you"

"I've missed you too" (y/n) sighed as he leaned towards Raven. Sure she would come from time to time to deal with the Doctor but she could never let on that she knew (y/n) personally when she did that.

Raven again pushed her lips against the boy, less controlling this time and more gentle and caring. She was careful to make sure she came off that way. "I have to go now" she whispered as she pulled away a moment later. "I have a meeting with the High Council"

(Y/n) sighed but nodded. "Alright, visit more often though. Please?"

"Okay" Raven nodded, knowing that if not for time travel she'd never be able to promise that. "When I can I'll pop in"

"Thank you" (y/n) spoke as he watched Raven stand. She smiled at him before glowing and dematerializing.

Once Raven was gone (y/n) sighed and lay down on the bed, thinking that when he woke up he'd be in for another day of betraying The Doctor and Jamie.

Word count: 1313

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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