London 1968 (Polly Wright)

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(For characters who show up in this and future chapters from pre 2005 or from comics/audios I'll be including a picture since more people may not be familiar with them)


The Tardis console room was rarely quiet while people were in it. Between the Doctor running around and babbling on and on like a child and the few words his companions could get in edgewise there was no time for silence. Now however was one of those rare moments of silence.

The Doctor stared at the pieces of paper in his hands for a silent moment as he sat on the floor before carefully looking over at his companion. "Do you happen to have a five Valarie?"

"Go fish" the companion replied with a smirk as she crossed her arms. The Doctor sighed and took another card.

"Are you two seriously playing cards?" The Doctor turned quickly and noticed (y/n) coming in

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"Are you two seriously playing cards?" The Doctor turned quickly and noticed (y/n) coming in.

"Ah! (Y/n), good. Pop a squat, as I believe the kids are saying in your time" He smiled as if he were proud of what he had just said. Valarie gave the boy a confused look.

"Nobody is saying that in my time Doctor" (y/n) sighed and shook his head which caused the Time Lord to frown. "In fact I think you're the first person to ever say that unironically"

"Just come join us" The Doctor replied as he shook his head and looked down at his cards again.

"Is someone upset they got corrected?" Valarie asked with a laugh as she looked down at her cards.

The Doctor was about to reply when suddenly the Tardis landed. "That wasn't supposed to happen" he whispered to himself before quickly dropping his cards and standing up.

"Where are we Doctor?" (Y/n) asked curiously as Valarie quickly stood up.

"London, 1968" The Doctor quickly replied as he flipped a couple of switches. The Tardis engines began again but suddenly cut off. "The old girl won't take off!"

"She won't take off?" Valarie asked with a confused look. "Is she on strike or something?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. Not again" the Doctor shivered at the idea. "... neither of you two have been making the Tardis create animals for you to hunt?" They both shook their heads. "Ah, good. Probably not a strike then"


"Yes" The Doctor spoke before the question could be asked. "Suffice to say Frobisher learned his lesson and the Tardis was never forced to make a live fish again"

"Ah" (y/n) frowned but nodded. "Well as long as we're here why don't we head out? I want to see the old cars"

"If they don't fly then what's the point?" Valarie asked the boy who just shook her head.

"They look cool, future girl" (y/n) replied simply as he started walking towards the door.

"Wait!" The boy quickly turned and was thrown something which he was quick to catch. "Psychic paper. I'm going to try to figure out what's happening here. Use that to get yourself out of any trouble you get into"

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