Chapter 39. Broken Noses and Roses

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School just got out and I'm sitting on my doorstep waiting for Gerard.

He's my best friend and we've been working on a comic book together.
But like....... I kinda love him.
Like.... More than a friend?

I just finished up my part in it so he's meeting me here after school anyway.

We go to the same school, it's just that we don't have many classes together so we hang out a lot more at lunch and after school.

Anyway, "Hi there." I looked up from my converse and Gerard was sitting next to me.
"Hey! I finished my part in the comic book." I smiled, not paying him much attention to his face because I was just adding the finishing touches to my illustrations.

As I was starting to highlight a science vile, I remembered that Gerard had a science test today.

"How was the test?" I asked, breaking the silence as I shading in the vile with a bright neon pink shade.
"It was pretty good. I only got an F this time." He stated and I smiled.

He seemed genuinely happy about it, even though it's a pretty shit grade.
He doesn't ever get happy much anymore because there's so many fuckers at school who bully him about it.

He's really insecure about smiling too, because they always make jokes about his tiny teeth.

I think his teeth are cute, but he'd never believe me.

"Noah punched me in the nose though." He added and I finally looked up at him from my paper and he was holding something white against his nose.

"Are you alright?" I asked worried, setting my binder Dow with the papers on top next to me on the step below.

"Yeah." He muttered, "Can I see it?" "It's pretty fuckin bloody." He stated with a hint of fear and hesitance in his pretty hazel eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked and I broke the awkward eye contact.
"I erm..." I paused awkwardly then inerupted the silence,
"Can I see it?" I pressed again and he rolled his eyes then took off the white cloth, making a wince as he did so but he covered it up by coughing.

The part of the white cloth that was against his nose was soaked in blood, so I let my eyes travel to his nose.

Well... It was more like a small bloody mountain than a nose.
"Holy shit!" I slipped and he chuckled lightly.

"Did you even clean it?!" "Not really, I just threw that thing on it." He stated, seeming unbothered by it but I leaned over his lap to look closer.

IT SOUNDS WEIRD BUT MY MOM IS IN NURSING SCHOOL OKAY?! I wanted to make sure he's alright🙄

"Y/n, I- I'm okay, really." He murmured, he sounded nervous but I looked in his eyes again, rather confused.
"You don't look okay. You're kinda bleeding." I sad sarcastically and he giggled like a little school girl, which I found fucking adorable.

"Come on, let me help." I offered, standing up and grabbing his hand and pulling him up next to me.
I couldn't help but notice his hand was warm, and much larger than mine.

"You don't have too, Y/n... It's fine..." He murmured, sounding reluctant as I pulled him inside of my house. Well, technically my parents house but they're out on a date or something.

"No, it's really okay. I want to help." I stated when I pulled him into the bathroom.

"Sit." I told him and he sat at the rim of the tub and I opened the cabinet to grab the first aid kit.

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