Striker: Who's this?

Loopty: He was my business partner! You see, I wasn't always an old man. My partner Lyle and I ran Lyle-Loopty Robotics, a technological empire! Earlier today, we were testing a new machine intended to stop or reverse the aging process! Unfortunately, we neglected to test the machine on the poor like we usually do. We were too sure of our own genius. The machine was accidentally set forward! By the time we got out, it was too late, at least for me. Now that evil son of a bitch is going to take over the empire we built together without me to share the money with! He'll make all the goddamn money in the world and become the fourth trillionaire and get all the credit!

Striker: know that he'll come down here, right?

Loopty: Don't worry, *pulls out weapons and torture devices with his tentacles* I'm counting on it!

Striker: Deal!


On a tour bus in front of a mansion, Blitzo using his human form while Striker, Moxxie, and Millie wear wigs and clothes. 

Blitzo: Come on, can't we take Loona?

Striker: Don't worry, we got Max watchin' 'em.


While listening to Lady Gaga's first album, Max watches her brother and the hellhound.

Max: Alright, so, what do you guys want?

Mikey: Cheese pizza.

Loona: Your dad's head in my mouth.

Max cringes at Loona mentioning Moxxie like that, but shrugs it off.

The doorbell rings as Loona then barks angrily.

Mikey: Relax, it's just my friends, Wilson and Vortex.

Mikey lets them in.

Wilson: Hey man.

Vortex: Sup?

Loona gains hearts in her eyes at the black-furred male hell-pup as her tail wags and she has a blush and smile.

Max: He's 10.

Loona then whines sadly, knowing she's younger than him, as Max then feels bad and comforts her.

Mikey: So, what brings you dudes here?

Wilson: We found a connection between Billie's disappearance and some...weird stuff going on in Imp City.

Mikey: What weird stuff?

Vortex: You know, rumors that creatures and stuff from other worlds besides Heaven are spilling into our world.

Mikey: Like what?

Vortex: Let's see...ghosts, shapeshifters, gnomes, sea monsters, werewolves, were-hounds, kitsunes, etc., and it says that it requires one demon living in Earth and becoming powerful enough to create rifts that cause Earth and Hell to mix with each other and other worlds.

Mikey: So you mean Billie's in one of those worlds?

Wilson: Probably, yeah. 

Mikey then thinks it through and realizes.

Mikey: Blitzo was experimented on in the human world, so he might've made those rifts! He might help us find Billie!


Blitzo listens to "Detroit Rock City" by KISS before Millie spots something.

Millie: Whose house is that?

They look as the tour guide does his job.

Tour Guide: And to your right is the home of famous inventor Lyle Lipton!

Diary of a Human-Raised Imp: A Helluva Boss AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now