The Vanishing of Billie Knolastname

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Note: Takes place in an alternate universe, so there are major and minor differences in canon. Like Blitzo being separated from his family at birth, Striker being the owner of I.M.P and one of the (sorta) good guys, etc.

Also, Millie and Verosika used to date, but are on good terms and are dating guys (Millie obviously dates Moxxie, while Verosika dates Wally), as they are bisexual.



Someplace near Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, Earth

In a lab, lights flicker and there is no sound...

Until a scientist runs out in terror, as other scientists are heard screaming.

He reaches an elevator and, in a panic, presses the button many times before a roar is heard...

He sees nothing in the hallway, until hearing an unearthly growl above him...

As something grabs him and pulls him off the floor as he screams while the door closes.


Imp City, Pride Ring, Hell

In Hell, the supernatural realm of demons, an impling male says, while playing a board game, "Something is coming. Something hungry for blood..."

Like most imps, he, named Mikey Knolastname, has red skin, no ears or nostrils, and a tail. The impling male wears a dark blue shirt with a pentagram symbol on it, and black jeans. He also has hooves like his father, and black-and-white-striped horns which are curved similar to his father. He has black hair like his mother, but in the hairstyle of his father, and a chip tooth like his mother. Like both his parents, he has yellow sclera and black pupils.

A succubus male, the imp-succubus hybrid son of Wally Wackford and Verosika Mayday named Wilson, anxiously says "Shit, please tell me it's not the Demogorgon."

He wears 80s-style clothes, has white hair with pink accents, yellow sclera with pink irises and slit black pupils, and pink-and-black horns like his mother.

"It's not the Demogorgon!" A hellhound pup, named Vortex, says.

He has black-and-dark-gray fur, red sclera, white irises, and black pupils like most hellhounds. However, while not shaved, he has no hairstyle (instead having a head like most feral wolves), wears a gray shirt with a red choker, and blue jeans.

"An army of Troglodytes rush into the chamber!" Mikey says, grinning.

"See? I told you!" Vortex says, proudly.

" hear that? Boom...boom...boom...BOOM! A large creature enters the chamber...THE DEMOGORGON!" Mikey shouts, putting a disturbing monster chess piece on the board.

"Aw come on!" Vortex yells.

"We're in deep shit!" Wilson exclaims.

"Billie, your action!" Mikey says.

"Shit, I-I don't know!" Billie, his twin brother, says.

Billie, like him, resembles their mother more than their father, but has their father's curved horns and hairstyle. He wears a red vest with a yellow shirt and blue jeans.

"Don't be a pussy, do it!" Vortex exclaims.

Billie rolls the dice, but it falls somewhere else.

"Shit!" The young demons all yell, before trying to find it.

OST - Kids - Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein

"Where is it?!"

"I can't find it!" Billie exclaims.

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