Chapter 6- Confession and Control

Start from the beginning

I smiled, glad for the distraction from my thoughts. "Sure, Rose. Sounds like a plan," I replied, zipping up my bag.

As we made our way to the cafeteria, Rose turned to me with a concerned expression. "Hey, how was the assignment?" she asked, her tone softening. "I'm really sorry about yesterday and Aiden's behavior. Did anything happen between you two today?"

I paused, feeling a mix of emotions wash over me. "Thanks, Rose," I said, trying to mask my lingering frustration. "No, nothing happened today. Let's just focus on getting some food." Despite my attempt to brush it off, the memory of yesterday's incident with Aiden still lingered in the back of my mind, casting a shadow over our conversation.

As we reached the counter, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, making our mouth water with its savory scent. I grabbed a tray and loaded it with some crispy french fries, a steaming bowl of ramen, and a slice of chicken cake that had caught my eye. It struck me that despite being at this university for some time now, it was my first visit to the cafeteria. The bustling atmosphere, coupled with the delicious spread of food, made it feel like I was dining at a fancy restaurant rather than a university cafeteria.

Amelia and I found an empty table and settled in, the chatter of students mingling with the clinking of cutlery in the background. As we dug into our meals, Rose turned to me with a curious expression. "So, Amelia," she began, "we've been studying at Crestmont since forever, we went to it's school, college and now university. But you, you just appeared out of nowhere. How did you end up here?"

I took a moment to chew on a mouthful of ramen before replying. "Well, it's a bit of a long story," I said, thinking back to the events that led me to Crestmont. "But let's just say fate had a hand in it. We used to live in another city but due to my father's official transfer me and my family shifted here last month."

As Rose listened to my explanation, her eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, that's quite a journey," she remarked, nodding in understanding. "Moving to a new city can be both daunting and exciting, but I'm glad fate brought you here."

I smiled gratefully at her understanding. "Yeah, it's been quite an adjustment," I admitted, recalling the whirlwind of changes that accompanied our move. "But I'm slowly settling in, and having friends like you and the others certainly makes it easier."

Rose beamed at me, her enthusiasm contagious. "Well, consider me your official tour guide!" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "I'll show you all the best spots in the city, from cafes to hidden gems. We'll have a blast exploring together!"

I couldn't help but grin at her infectious energy. "That sounds amazing," I replied eagerly. "I can't wait to see everything this city has to offer and to spend more time with you, Rose."

As Rose and I chatted, her excitement beaming, a deep, masculine voice cut through the air, calling out her name. I watched in concern as Rose's expression shifted from joy to fear, her features paling noticeably. Curious, I turned to see who had caused such a reaction.

Standing behind us was a tall, imposing figure, his presence commanding attention. He exuded an air of confidence, his posture straight and assured. With sharp features and piercing eyes, he possessed a rugged handsomeness that was hard to ignore. His dark hair was styled effortlessly.

Recognition dawned on me as I realized that he was one of Aiden's close friends. Despite his striking appearance, there was an undeniable intensity about him that made me uneasy.

My confusion grew as I observed Rose's demeanor, her usual happiness replaced by apprehension. It was clear that there was more to their relationship than met the eye, and I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden beneath the surface.

As the boy approached, he seemed to tower over us, his presence imposing. Ignoring my presence, he leaned in close to Rose, his voice low and intense. "Why didn't you come yesterday? I told you to be there," he murmured, his words sending a shiver down Rose's spine. Her face paled even further, her hands trembling slightly as she struggled to compose herself.

I watched him as he whispered something into Rose's ear, his words meant for her alone. Whatever he said seemed to unsettle her further, and I couldn't help but wonder about the nature of their relationship. His actions were possessive, his touch almost patronizing as he gently patted Rose's head before walking away.

Turning to Rose, I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer. "Who was that?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern. "And why did he make you so afraid?"

"His name is Jason," Rose began, her voice still a bit shaky from the encounter. "He's a friend of Aiden's, and he's also in our class," she explained, though her words did little to ease my confusion.

I nodded, piecing together the connection between Jason and Aiden. It made sense that they would be friends, given Aiden's dominant presence. But what had Jason said to Rose that left her so visibly shaken?

As I pressed her for more information, Rose skillfully deflected the topic, her reluctance to discuss it only deepening my curiosity. It was clear there was more to this story.

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