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*Please feel free to go to the next chapter and skip my ramblings if you're ready to dive in*

Well hello there! I'm so glad you're here. Maybe it's because I'm a chronic over-explainer, but I wanted to include an Introduction to reach you as the author, which I feel is both necessary and very difficult to do. Realistically, I'm self-conscious because I didn't follow the rules. I meant to write a simple romance between Hiei and an OC, and it turned into a full-fledged adventure, a coming of age story, a character study, an exploration of trauma. It can't nestle into any one genre, and that makes me nervous.

Don't worry if you're here for the romance though - it's omnipresent. Even when the focus is elsewhere, Airi and Hiei are always finding moments to connect.

Here's a little outline to show what you can expect from the story:


A series of shorter chapters before the main plot (I'm adding this retroactively). When this idea was first born, it really only centered around Airi and Hiei. As I got into it, I realized how much I care about the rest of the characters and how intertwined they are. There is no Hiei without Kurama, just as there is no Yusuke without Kuwabara. Their stories come into play later on, but I think it's important to see their beginnings.

If you want to get right into the romance, you can skip the prologue! I won't be mad!

Part One

From "Memories" to "Monsters". Follows the traditional budding romance setup, with most of the story told through Airi and Hiei's POVs. Features the Saint Beasts and the Dark Tournament and is canon-compliant.

Part Two

From "The Facility" to TBD. The narrative starts to branch out, including different character's perspectives. Chapter Black is entirely reimagined and a whole host of new characters and plot lines are introduced.


Part Three

The Three Kings arc, my personal favorite. Will continue to follow multiple main characters. I plan to skirt the edges of canon in this part. Close, but still my own take.

Part Four

Post canon. There will be a return to the predominantly Hiei/Airi narration, though the others will still very much be involved. Don't want to give too much away, but they remain in Demon World and face new challenges/hardships there.


I've had this planned out for quite a while, and it still brings a smile to my face every time I think about it. I can't imagine ending this without properly wrapping things up, and leaving a warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart, just like the show did.

Author notes:

1. I'm commissioning sketch art for the header of every chapter. I can't wait to see them come to life! All of the artwork for this story is by 27-orange-lily on Tumblr/twitter!

2. I haven't read all that many fanfics, however, I'm pretty sure this one has an exorbitant amount of NSFW scenes compared to most. I won't apologize for it lol, but I don't want you being surprised either! Hiei and Airi's communication style is physical. And well, they communicate a lot!

3. I know that Hiei x OC doesn't have the largest fanbase, so I just want to say I'm eternally grateful to everyone who has taken the time to read, comment, and give kudos. It means the world to me!

Happy reading! I do so hope you enjoy <3

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