I'm sorry E.O - part 2

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y/n POV

I don't know how long it had been since I blacked out on the floor but I woke up and it was dark outside. I moved slightly but groaned in pain. My entire body was stiff and sore from being in such an awkward position on the floor. My head was pounding and that only became worse as my mind flooded with the events of the afternoon.

A tear slipped down my face as I stood up. I can't believe the situation I'm in. As I kept relaying the events and thinking about what happened, I grew increasingly angry. Not with anyone else but with myself.

I began pacing, everything racing through my mind, flashbacks to the fear in Lizzie's eyes, thoughts about what our future may be. Will she still love me? Will we break up? Will everyone hate me? Does she hate me?

All the thoughts became too loud and I was blinded by rage. My hand clenched into a fist and I punched the closest thing to me. Being the idiot I am, the closest thing was a wall. A concrete wall. My fist came into contact with it at full force and a sickly crunch could be heard. I screamed in pain. Not just physical pain but emotional pain. I was losing myself and I couldn't stop it. I slipped down the wall supporting my definitely broken hand with the other.

I was so exhausted mentally and physically that I fell asleep on the floor.

When I woke up again, it was light outside signalling a new day. I got up off the floor, gritting my teeth at the pain stabbing through my hand. I took deep breaths to collect myself and came up with a rational plan in my head.

I didn't want to fall, I didn't want to lose myself because I knew there would be no one to catch me.

I put my arm in a makeshift sling despite the pain. I deserved it anyway. I began to tidy the apartment and started to write a letter to Lizzie to tell her I was sorry and where I was. As I finished the letter and stood it up next to a vase of flowers there was a knock on the door.

My heartbeat quickened as I slowly moved toward it. I looked through the peephole and was slightly relieved to see it wasn't Lizzie. They knocked again and I hesitantly opened the door, knowing I was about to get an earful.

"What the hell is going on?!?" Scarlett spoke to me in a firm voice. I mentally thanked her that she didn't shout.

"What the hell happened?!? I have a very-" She cut herself off as she looked at me and took in the state I was in.

I was looking down at the floor, suddenly finding my socks very interesting.

"What happened y/n?" She spoke much softer this time as she took a step toward me. I took a step back, not trusting myself and definitely not wanting to upset another person.

"Y/n talk to me please" She spoke again.

"Ummm...well I-" I choked on my words as I swallowed harshly trying to stop the tears from falling.

"I'm sorry. I was an idiot and after everything happened I just- I"

"Hey, hey. Take a breath. I know what happened with Lizzie okay, I will get to that but I want to know what happened after she left okay?" She asked, she wasn't demanding and didn't sound mad. She sounded worried and genuinely concerned. "And don't even try to lie to me or miss any details" She added

I took a deep breath before explaining how I blacked out and then punched a wall and fell asleep against it.

"Okay. We need to get you to a hospital and then we can talk and-"

I cut her off "No, no. I'm going to take myself to the hospital and then there is somewhere I need to go okay. I need to do this alone, please. I need you to go and look after Lizzie. Don't tell her any of this please but let her know that there is a letter for her. You can either take it now or she can come and get it."

Wanda/Lizzie & Natasha/Scarlett OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now