Hug - E.O

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a/n - Hey guys, thank you so much to those who read the first part and voted, it means a lot :) this one was requested by @tchatty123 and might not be my best as I wrote it at night but I hope it's okay :)

Welcome to the chaotic, funny and loving family that is the Olsen family. I am the eldest Olsen, which can be great at times but also a nightmare. You see, I'm basically a second mum to the others but better because I get all the sisterly gossip as well and we all have a great time together as a little sister group. We are a great little fantastic four. We have such a special bond between all of us and great dynamics in the group. Most of the time it is the twins against me and Lizzie which is great for us as we always win whatever argument or competition we have going on as Lizzie is the youngest so can easily get our mom on outside without question and I'm the oldest so I hold a lot of power of my own.

We try to hang out as much as possible because we always have a great time but it can be hard considering we all have busy schedules. You see, I work for the FBI so I'm pretty busy but because of my high rank and massive amount of respect, my hours can be flexible if I want them to be. It also means I'm the family protector which I don't mind at all because I would do anything for them.

Because I'm the oldest of the four, I'm seen as the responsible, wise sister; which I am, I mean I give great advice but it also means the other three come to me with everything that goes wrong. Don't get me wrong I love it and don't mind it because I know it means they trust me and love me. For example, I'm the first one who Lizzie calls when her anxiety rises and I love that I can take care of her and am always able to calm her down. You see, we have a very strong bond and she is my favourite (don't tell the others hehe), only joking, I don't have favourites...

Or do I?

Anyway, it's great being an Olsen sister and I'm so lucky and grateful to have them as my family. The only downside is that sometimes I feel like a burden if I go to them with my problems and if I need help. I know that's ridiculous and I know they don't think like that and I know this because they have told me before... many times. But still, sometimes brains can be a bitch.

Today, I had a half day, mainly because everything was going wrong all morning and I was so fed up with the new kid that I just left. I was driving to Lizzie's avengers set with one thing in mind. A hug. I just really needed a hug and who better to get a hug from than my favourite sister. She gives the best hugs out of everyone and I just feel my problems melt away and I feel safe in my sister's arms. Another great thing about being sisters is that we have a special sisterly connection and know everything about each other and in this case we always know when eachother needs a hug.

I pulled up to the set and made my way inside. I have been here plenty of times before and am great friends with everyone here. The first person I encountered was the one and only, my bestie, Scarlett Johansson. As we saw each other we ran into each other's arms embracing each other with a big hug and smiles on our faces. The hug was lovely, as it always is with Scar but it wasn't quite the hug I needed.

"Omg hi! I wasn't expecting to see you today. How are you?" Scarlett inquired with lots of energy.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just had a morning from hell so I just left and decided to surprise my sister and my bestie of course." I replied with not so much energy.

"You always know how to flatter a girl y/n. I gotta go but I will speak later." Scarlett winked at me and left with her signature smirk on her face. I blushed a little at the gesture and continued on my way. Me and Scarlett are always flirting with each other and I may or may not have a little crush on her, I mean who wouldn't. Anygays, that's a problem for another day.

I continued to walk around the set in search of Lizzie but came up empty. I decided I would go and see if she was in her trailer and if she wasn't I would wait for her there. As I found her trailer, I climbed the stairs and went straight in just because I could. As I walked in I saw her lying on the sofa with a book in hand. As I took a step inside, Lizzie looked up from her book and saw it was me. A smile spread across her face as she laid the book on the side table.

"Hey y/n, I didn't expect to see you today." She began as I made my way toward her. "What's wrong?" she immediately asked, sensing something was up. Her face grew concerned and she stood up to face me. See, I told you she had super sister powers.

"I'm okay, I just really need a hug" I mumble looking down at my feet feeling stupid for no reason. As I said this, she walked up to me slowly and brought me into a hug. Damn. I melted in her arms instantly. As if like magic, all my problems and negative feelings just washed away, this is a hug that could heal all wounds. After standing in this hug for a good 5 minutes, we slowly pulled back and rested our foreheads together, having a silent conversation with each other. I broke the peaceful silence when I began to say "Thank you" I whispered to my little sister.

"No need to thank me. That's what sisters are for." Lizzie responded with a big smile on her face. After our little moment, we sat down on the sofa and started talking about everything and began laughing and joking with each other. Damn, I really do have great sisters. As it got later, we parted ways and I went back to my car, only to get a phone call from MK who was complaining about something. We talked for a while and I gave her some very wise sisterly advice and we agreed to arrange a family catchup next week. That will be interesting.

a/n Hope you enjoyed and I may make a part two that includes the little dinner and maybe a bit more to do with Scarlett. Leave a comment if you have any requests and I'm sorry it's a little shorter than the last one. Have a great morning/day/evening everyone :)

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