Scars - S.J

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a/n Thank you to all that have read my one shots so far, I hope they are okay. This one has a slight trigger warning to it. Everybody is beautiful as they are so don't forget that! I hope you are all doing well and if you have any requests let me know :)

I was currently on set for the new Avengers film and was getting ready to do a fight scene with my best friend Elizabeth Olsen and some other stunt guys who were going to be posing as Hydra agents that we were fighting. We are going through rehearsal one last time before we actually film.

After the last rehearsal went smoothly we heard the director shout "action" and me and Lizzie began to 'fight' side by side. About half way through I took one too many steps and was closer to the guy than I was meant to be. He swung at me and instead of pretending to punch me his fist connected hard with my nose and I stumbled back and fell to the floor.

"Cut! Y/n are you okay?" I heard the director call out to me as I sat up with my hands covering my nose. Lizzie had bent down to my level to see if I was okay.

"Ow shit.... That hurt like a bitch" I slightly laughed trying to make light of the situation. #

"Shit y/n you're bleeding" Lizzie spoke, concern evident in her voice.

I moved my hands away and saw them covered in blood. "Shit, it's fine. I'm okay, I promise." I reassure my bestie and everyone else.

"Okay. Why don't you go back to your trailer and clean up and we can revisit this tomorrow." The director suggested.

"Sounds like a great plan, thanks" I answered as I got to my feet.

"Do you want me to go and get Scarlett?" Lizzie asked. See, Scarlett Johansson and I have been dating for a few months now, we were best friends for ages and both liked each other for a while but was too scared thinking the other didn't feel the same. But, a few months ago Scarlett asked me out and we confessed our feelings toward each other and have now been dating for nearly 4 months.

"Urr, no it's okay. I will find her afterwards." I responded to Lizzie before walking off toward my trailer. Unknown to me, she actually went and found Scarlett and told her what happened.

After I got back to my trailer, I cleaned up my face as my nose had stopped bleeding. I looked down at my top to see it was covered in blood. I walked over to where I keep some of my clothes and found a new top. I was so focused on what I was doing that I didn't hear my trailer door open and my beautiful girlfriend walk in.

I took my top off with my back facing the door. I didn't hear the door open but I did hear the soft gasp that escaped my girlfriend's lips. My eyes widened and I spun around to face her but didn't meet her eyes.

You see, I didn't have the easiest childhood and was beaten by my father while my alcoholic mother just watched. He used his hands among other objects like his belt and even sometimes he used a whip. He left me bleeding on the floor many times. I worked extremely hard and managed to escape my household and thankfully had some amazing friends who helped me to where I am now but the damage had already been done. My back was littered with scars. Some stretch nearly the whole length of my back and I have always been self conscious of them. Since me and Scarlett have been dating we haven't been intimate and I have never been fully topless in front of her and she has only ever seen my front. I've always been insecure about my scars even though I know Scarlett wouldn't judge me and I was building up to telling and showing her but I guess there is no time like the present.

I still haven't met her eyes and have kept my focus toward the floor, nervous of what she is going to say. She took a step toward me and gently lifted my head with her fingers but I still refused to look at her gorgeous eyes.

I felt the urge to explain myself to clear the awkward silence however my brain malfunctioned and I couldn't form a coherent question. "I i- can- I can e-explain...uh i-" I tried but was cut off by Scarlett's soft lips on mine. The kiss was quick but filled with so much love.

"Sorry, you were stuttering" She spoke in a soft tone. She gently reached up and placed her soft, warm hands on my bare shoulders and started to gently push while asking "Can I?" referring to my back. I didn't trust my words so I slowly nodded and let her turn me around.

I could feel her soft fingers tracing the outlines of my scars. She didn't say anything and my brain began to run a million miles an hour thinking that she thinks they are horrible or disgusting. My bottom lip started to quiver trying to hold back tears.

Then, I felt her lips make contact with my skin as she began to kiss every inch of my back and paid special attention to all my scars. Her soft lips delicately continued to kiss my back and I could feel my body fill with warmth and content at loving gesture. Nobody had ever done this before and I felt so touched that my walls began to break and I started to cry.

Scarlett gently turned my back around and engulfed me in a tight but gentle hug. She let me cry and whispered sweet nothings into my ear until I had calmed down a bit. We stayed in the hug as she began to talk while tracing the scars on my back. "Y/n, baby. You don't have to explain what happened okay and you never have to be shy or insecure about them. They are beautiful and you still look just as gorgeous if not even more gorgeous. I'm here if you even want to talk okay and I love them just as much as I love the rest of you" She softly whispered into my ear as we remained in eachothers arms.

"Thank you. I love you too" I responded as I sighed, feeling content and happy in her arms. She pulled back slightly only to capture my lips in hers in a gentle and passionate kiss. We cuddled up for the rest of the afternoon, no t-shirts on (with the exception of sports bras) and just relaxed in eachothers arms, stealing kisses and feeling so loved. What a great way to end the day.

From that day onward after I explained everything to her, I still felt insecure about my scars every now and again but Scarlett was always there to make me feel beautiful and would always make time to kiss them all to make me feel better. We would often spend afternoons cuddled up together with no tops on just enjoying the feeling of each other's skin while Scarlett mindlessly traced my scars and the TV played in the background.  

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