I'm fine - W.M and N.R

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I had just got back from a mission and was exhausted. It was only meant to be an easy, quick mission. It definitely was not easy. Or quick. Me, Steve and Clint were sent on the mission and it went to absolute shit when Steve fucking sneezed. He fucking sneezed like an old man and boy was it loud. He is a fucking super soldier after all, you would think he would be able to hold a sneeze or make it quiet. No. Absolutely not, it sounded like a dam bomb. That set of the alarm and we were swarmed by loads of Hydra agents that weren't supposed to be there.

We just about managed to fight our way out but I ended up getting ambushed so I left with more injuries than the other two. My body was littered with cuts and bruises. The worst being one bad slice on my abdomen and another deep wound in my leg. Thankfully I managed to cover them in the jet so I was able to stop the bleeding.

I was so happy to arrive back at the compound and was so excited to see my lovely girlfriends. Yep, that's right. Girlfriends. Plural. The amazing Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff are my very loving girlfriends. I was excited to see them but a little scared that they might be angry that I got so injured. BUT it wasn't my fault. It was the sneezing dinosaur's fault.

I had my arms round the two men as they helped me into the compound. We got about five steps in when Wanda rounded the corner and saw the three of us. She smiled at me but her smile was soon replaced with concern as she took in the state I was in. She shouted for Natasha as she stood frozen at the sight of us, mostly me.

As Natasha rounded the corner and frowned at her concerned girlfriend, she followed Wanda's eyesight and looked at her very injured girlfriend equally as concerned. I smiled sheepishly and said a very weak "I'm fine" followed by a wince which disproved my statement.

They snapped out of their daze and came rushing toward us. "What the hell happened" Natasha aske but directed it toward the boys. Wanda carefully picked me up and I melted into her embrace, happy to be back with my girls.

"Fossil over here sneezed and set off the alarm" Clint responded to Natasha. If looks could kill, Steve would be dead. Very dead.

I could tell Natasha was about to explode and start yelling at him and probably beat him up so I stepped in, wanting to cuddle with both of my girlfriends. "Natty, leave it for now please, I wanna cuddle with you both" I pleaded with her. She turned to look at me in Wanda's arms and her face softened and she nodded and guided Wanda, who was still carrying me in her very strong arms, to our shared bedroom.

When we got there Wanda very gently laid me down on our massive bed and moved back slightly to look at me, her gorgeous eyes filled with concern. Natasha went through to our bathroom and turned on the taps for the bath. Wanda sat down next to me and held my hand as she looked at me. Natasha came back into the room and looked me up and down before sitting on the other side and gently brushing some hair away from my face.

"You are going to have a bath and then me and Wanda are going to clean and treat your wounds okay?" Natasha spoke softly. I could tell that the both of them were struggling with having to see their girlfriend in this state. I smiled and nodded back at her. She got up and turned off the bath and got some clothes out. Meanwhile Wanda was still looking at me with worry so I reached my other hand up, wincing in the process, and rested it on her cheek. I smiled reausrringly and rubbed at her cheekbones. "I'm going to be fine, okay? I have you and Nat to take care of me okay. I love you" I spoke softly trying to reassure her. She nodded gently and took hold of my hand and gently kissed my palm.

Natasha came back in and smiled at the both of us before taking me in her arms and taking me into the bathroom with Wanda following behind. They helped me undress and into the bath. "You gonna join orrrr" I asked in a joking tone. They both smiled widely and stripped down and got in with me (it's a big bath okay). Wanda sat behind me and I leaned back into her and rested on her front. Nat got in front of me and sat looking at the two of us as she held my hand and gently rubbed Wanda's legs.

We relaxed like this for a little bit, Wanda and Nat talking about their day while I listened to them with my eyes closed. After a little while we got washed and out. I got wrapped in a very fluffy towel by Nat and carried back to the bed by Wanda. They left me and got themselves dressed in cute shorts and oversized t-shirts. They helped me put some underwear and shorts on but left me with no top as they still had to clean my wounds. Nat got the first aid kit while Wanda got some small towels so the bed didn't get blood all over it.

They both cleaned my wounds with Nat stitching the one on my stomach while Wanda stitched the one on my leg. After a lot of painful groans, little "ow"s and lots of apologies they finished and kissed just next to my wounds. I smiled at the both of them, my heart full with love for them and their care and gentleness.

We all carefully got under the duvet and snuggled together, them being careful of my very bruised and sore body. I leaned over to gently kiss Wanda before turning to kiss Nat then getting comfy ready to go to sleep. "I love you both so much, thank you for taking care of me" I said, my voice laced with sleep.

"Goodnight love, I'm glad you're safe. Love you both" Nat replied first

"Good night baby, love you both so so soooo much" Wanda said softly before we all slipped away into dreamland, safe and warm in each other's arms. I love my girls.

a/n - Hey everybody!! I'm sorry for not uploading for soooo long but I will try and start to upload more. I have a second part to "I'm sorry" nearly finished. I hope you enjoy this one and hope you have a lovely day or night. Please leave requests if you have any or DM me, they are always open if you want to talk. Love you all! 

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