Run - S.J

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a/n Hello lovely people! I hope you all had good holidays, sorry I haven't posted in a while. This one is quite long but I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you have any requests! Have a lovely day :)

"Good morning love" Scarlett, your girlfriend of 6 months whisperred into your ear, her raspy morning voice giving you butterflies.

"Morning darling" You responded in your thick British accent, sending shivers down Scarlett's spine. You shifted your head off of her comfortable chest and looked at her with a wide smile. She returned the smile and leant down to kiss your forehead, making you pout so she leant down again to kiss your pout away.

You shifted so you were straddling her waist. One of your hands rested on her cheek, gently tracing her cheekbone with your thumb. Her hands found themselves resting at your sides, gently rubbing the skin with her thumbs.

You leant down and gently pressed your lips against hers. She snaked one of her hands to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss, both of you humming contently at the feeling. You broke apart when air became a problem and leant your forehead on hers as both of your eyes stayed closed. You leant down again to continue your little make out session but were interrupted by a knock on your bedroom door.

You quietly groaned and rested your head down on Scarlett's chest as she giggled at your reaction.

There was another little knock at the door followed by a little voice "Mama?". It was Rose, Scarlett's daughter. You grew to love Rose very quickly like she was your own. It didn't take long for her to grow to like you, making Scarlett love you even more, seeing how good you are with her daughter and how well you get along with each other.

"Yes sweetie, are you okay?" Scarlett responds to her daughter. While she responds, you quickly get up and stand behind the door. Scarlett looks at you confused but you just raise your finger to your mouth to signal for her not to say anything.

The door opens and Rose walks in and jumps up onto the bed. "Good morning mama"

"Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?" Scarlett asks her daughter who nods in response.

"Is y/n here?" She asks her mother who was about to respond but before she could, you crept up behind Rose and picked her up spinning around making her scream a little and start giggling as you set her back down on the bed and started to tickle her.

Scarlett just smiled widely at the interaction, her heart bursting with love for you and the little family she has.

"S-stop!" Rose squeals as you continue to tickle her. After a few more seconds you release her and go to sit beside Scarlett with the little girl in front of you both.

"What can we do for you pumpkin?" You asked as you rested your head on Scarlett's shoulder.

"Are you guys working today?" Rose asks.

"Yeah we are darling but don't worry because Auntie Lizzie and some of the others will be here to look after you" Scarlett responds as she pulls Rose into her lap.

"Yay!! Auntie Lizzie" Rose squeals excitedly while you put your hand over your heart dramatically, pretending to be hurt. Rose giggles at your reaction while Scarlett smiles fondly at you.

"Okay that was just rude" You speak dramatically, faking being hurt while the two giggle at your playfulness.

After a few minutes you stand up and begin to speak. "Right, my two queens let's go and get some breakfast. Rose, why don't you go and get cleaned up while we both change. We will meet you downstairs in a few minutes" You say as you ruffle Rose's hair and she pouts as she walks out the room.

Wanda/Lizzie & Natasha/Scarlett OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now