Chapter Five

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It was the day to meet Lord Hadley. Despite the sunny weather, the family seemed gloomy. Jane was sullen even as their valet was helping them into the coach. "Thank you, Wesley", Wesley bowed, "please do tell Mrs. Rose, the housekeeper that we would return by noon" Their father instructed.

Tension was gradually building up during the ride. "My! What a lovely weather" Emily decided to ease the tension. Peering out the window, her mother observed," it is particularly sunny, my dear". They soon arrived at the Eckhart's manor. It was grand, thought Jane.

"Look at that garden, Jane!" Emily all but screeched. They were assisted out of the coach and ushered into the manor by Lord Hadley's butler. He led them through the halls which bore exquisite portraits and paintings. Showing them the drawing room, he offers them a seat. "I shall alert Lord Hadley of your presence" He bowed.

Minutes later, a tall old man entered with the butler. "My Lord" Mr. James Miller bowed and the women curtsied. "Please, have a seat" He gestured, turning to the butler he said, "have the maid bring up some tea and biscuits". The butler departed.

A maid comes in with a tray of biscuits and tea. Jane studied the man before her from the brim of her teacup. Sandy blond hair that greyed at the temples, pale skin, deep piercing blue eyes, Jane discovered she did share some of this man's features, maybe his height.

This made her wonder about her biological mother. "You must be Jane" Lord Hadley gave her a piercing look. "Your mother gave you that name". "I am, my Lord" Jane acknowledged, giving him a cold stare.

The man chuckled, "you have your mother's look and firm resolve". Jane could only press her lips into a thin line. Mr. James cleared his throat, giving the Lord a knowing look.

"Ah yes, James" He straightened. "I presume you all want to know the full story" His eyes bore a glint, "assuming Jane does not murder me with her eyes". Emily glanced at Jane, begging her with her eyes to calm down.

"Sincerely, I apologize, the circumstances were quite difficult" He continued, "years ago when my father was still a Lord, a feud broke out between my brother and me about heir rights".

"As you all know, only the firstborn son inherits the title of a Lord and all it's entitlements but this did not go down well with my brother".

He paused to observe the people in the room. Pressing on, he said,"your mother was with a child, you, I knew it wasn't safe for you here with the feud and all. I decided with your mother's permission to hand you over to the Millers when you were born. You were safe there".

"My mother? What about her?"Jane interrupted. "If you would let me finish" He regarded her with a stern look, obviously not liking interruptions. Beth gave Jane a gentle squeeze.

"When my father passed on, I became the rightful heir and my brother mysteriously left for Italy. The feud died, but I couldn't  let you return just yet because I wasn't sure of my brother".

"I watched you grow all these years, keeping in touch with the Millers, and now , here you are". He spared her a smile. "I beg your pardon, Lord Hadley "Jane gave him a glare," but I'm not returning here ". Lord Hadley's lips curled.

"I wish to remain at the only place I knew as home and will ever know,"Jane heaved. Lord Hadley sought to remain hospitable towards his host. Ignoring Jane, he said, "your mother loved you Jane with all her being and she wanted you here". Jane bit her lip to stop herself from making a cutting remark.

"Besides, your stay at the Millers, is rather impossible" His face was set. "What does he mean, Papa?"Jane turned to her father. James sat solemnly in his seat, Beth was tight-lipped, and Emily seemed genuinely interested in the vase beside her.

"There was a contract, dear Jane" Lord Hadley gave her a sour smile, "stating that you would be returned to the Eckhart's manor when you turned nineteen. It was done to prevent mishaps like this".

"And tomorrow, my dear, you turn nineteen which means you're going to make the Eckhart's manor your home" He concluded with a smirk. Jane tried to meet Mr. James' gaze, even her mother wouldn't even look at her. Emily gave her a pitiful stare. Deciding she had had enough, Jane stormed out of the room.

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