Episode 17: Paradise on Earth

Start from the beginning

So, whether I like it or not, I suffer like a dog and make those steps, then silently serve the only meal of the day.

Oh, there's one more thing that sometimes requires an extra effort: Neither Anurat nor the guys at the restaurant accept card payment. So, once every two or three days, I have to walk 217 steps to get some cash from the only ATM on the island.

But life sometimes means sacrifices, so I arm myself with patience and slowly take those steps. 

At first, it was very difficult. Now... it doesn't bother me anymore.

I admit, I'm content and happy. 

I never believed that one could live like this in any corner of the world, even in the most beautiful dreams. I'd be a fool to go back home.

The sea water is warm, the sun is warm, the hut is warm... I live in a continuous and warm daydream. 

Sometimes I don't know what is reality and what is a dream.

My main activity is to lie down and listen to the waves of the sea for hours. I fall asleep like that.

From time to time, Anurat comes stealthily like a cat and adjusts the umbrella a bit to shield me from the relentless Thai sun. Then he leaves just as silently and lets me sleep. And while I sleep, I dream of listening to the waves, and that makes me sleep even in my dreams. Sleep within sleep.

The downside is that I sleep so much during the day that sleep doesn't really stick to me at night. Even numbed with large glasses of whiskey, I still can't fall asleep. Yes, I need to get some sleeping pills. Night sleep is important.

Lounging all day long, living in a warm country, having a slave who brings you whatever your heart desires means... being rich. What else are money for?

I am a rich man for many days to come. All the trick is to quickly get some sleeping pills. You know: all the rich folks have sleep problems.

My daily routine eats up about 110 - 150 dollars including rent. If I divide all the money I have left by 150, it means I'll have a long vacation of... 379 days.

 Not bad at all!

I have no other expenses. I'm very careful with money. Only on the first day was I taken advantage of. I bought a toothbrush and a pair of sunglasses. I use the sunglasses daily.

Ah, where's that plump customs lady to see me? See, cow?! See? Did you see that I don't need luggage?

I raise a finger with great effort. The whiskey glass with ice lands smoothly under my nose. The umbrella is adjusted a bit. The ashtray is quickly taken and replaced with a clean one. Just as I said.

I sip from the glass, moaning, close my eyes, and yawn. Damn insomnia! I'm like a rag.

I sigh and let out a big fart! The Andaman Sea breeze takes it and carries it along the beach.

There's not the slightest chance I'll be unhappy in the next 379 days. Money means happiness, no matter what all the losers say. Money means freedom. Money is good. Hallelujah!

The only thing that bothers me a bit is that my residency visa expires in three days. What will happen after three days? Does it need to be renewed? How? I have no idea.

Anyway, I'm so drunk right now that I'm almost falling asleep. Damn the visa. What's the point of paying attention to all this nonsense?

Ah... and there's something else that bothers me: pushy foreigners trying to strike up a conversation with me.

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