Why Are You Doing This?

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I wanted Luna Valkyrie gone, but this wasn't what I had in mind. Whenever I saw her, she would cradle her stomach, trying to figure out if the child was still there. I wondered if she knew a protective shield was around her womb and if she knew who put it there. While it wasn't from her mate, the witch loved her, and it held. The power around it felt familiar, but I couldn't place it. When I heard the doctor tell my mate she couldn't remove the baby, I breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't true, but he was too stupid to know that. He never tried to learn about witches beyond what I could do for him. When he asked me to confirm, I sided with the doctor. She didn't deserve to die for trying to protect her. Any woman would do the same.

So I had to ask myself, why wasn't I?

"Hey, Babe?" I asked as he held me in his arms. It grossed me out that the mate-bond brought me to his bed, knowing what he did during the day. But I couldn't stop it, and I didn't think I could stop him from hurting her.

"Yes, Lovey?" He kissed my temple and lightly ran his hand up and down my arm.

"I understand why you need the other alphas. They helped fund things, and all paid for her. But... why this? How is what you are doing getting you what you want?"

"I won't hurt her. Don't worry." Did he really feel what he was doing wasn't hurting her? "She'll pull through it—just like my mother did, like her grandmother did."

"What do you mean?" I knew Valkyrie's grandmother was Luna-Queen Madeline, and she had been kidnapped. Did this happen to her?

"My grandfather was Alpha Killian's best friend." He smiled and lifted my chin to kiss me. "I'm just following his method to break unwilling breeders. If it worked on my mother and her grandmother, it'd work for her, don't you think?"

"Sure." My body stiffened, so he reached down to rub between my legs.

"Don't be afraid. I'd never do those things to you. You, Lovey, are clean and cooperative."

"What about the baby? When they are born, will you send them home?" I asked him, and he separated my folds to push his finger inside of me. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as he explored all of me.

"Of course not. I'll dispose of it." What had I done? I encouraged him and devised a plan that finally got her to him. My mate was a monster, but the mate-bond would never let me kill him. But betraying him differently and giving someone else the power to do so would be fine.

I'm not proud that I let him pleasure me that night, but in the morning, I swapped out his batch of potion with saline and told the little girl, Gia, there was wolfsbane in her food, knowing she would swap it out and that it wouldn't hurt her. It would take a little more time, but Luna Valkyrie, get ready to finally get your power back whether they find you or not. It's your one chance to escape.

All I could do was pray it wasn't too late and that maybe the Gods would forgive me, knowing everything I did was out of love. Not the love for my monstrous mate but for him.

My only motivation for going after Dark Moon had always been for him, and now I realize this was hurting him more than helping. My actions may have set up fate, making it possible for the Moon Goddess to win again. Someone touched his mate and hurt her, and it would only make him want her more.

"Good luck, Luna Valkyrie," I whispered as I reached the edge of the territory. I needed to leave, to get far away from the wolves before he hurt me and my baby. It was time to go home to my coven. I should have listened when they told me I needed to let him go and trust fate would take its course. Rejected my mate for being a wolf, like we were always warned to do. Love doesn't always make you make the best choices, though. That will be the tagline of my story, etched in my gravestone one day.

I'm sorry, Anthony. I love you.

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