"For fuck's sake, darling... You're about to need another shower if you walk around in that any longer." I laughed and playfully slapped his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and tucked my thumbs into his waistband.

"You're the one who gave me the shirt, dummy. You started it." Vessel chuckled softly, his laugh vibrating into my chest. He leaned down to my neck and scattered feather-light kisses across it.

"Mmm... And I'll finish it if you don't stop me." My eyelids fluttered and my knees went weak. I very reluctantly pulled away, my hands settling on his hips.

"We should at least figure out what's going on with these runes first." Vessel whined, but nodded, backing up. He gathered the pile of sheets again and walked out of the bedroom. He dropped them into a wire basket in the corner and grabbed his mask off of the vanity.

"You're unfortunately right... Let's go see if III's busy." I nodded, but toyed with the hem of the shirt I wore.

"Um... Ves? I don't have anything on but this shirt..." Vessel groaned and ran a hand down his face, his knees buckling a little.

"Fuuuuck, sweet girl, you just love to torture me, don't you?" I laughed, holding my stomach. I could even see that just my statement had made him start to get erect. I covered my mouth, muffling my giggles.

"Sorryyyy!" He stuck out his tongue, releasing the full 12 inches and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, don't you worry, sweetheart. I have plans for you, just you wait." It was my turn for my knees to buckle.

Vessel stepped back into the bathroom and grabbed his cloak, draping it over my shoulders.

"Is that ok? It probably doesn't smell fantastic, but it's more cover." I nodded and bounced up onto my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"This is just fine, thank you baby." He paused, staring into my eyes for a second longer than usual. I tilted my head, questioning. He just smiled softly and shook his head.

"Nothing, my love... I just like when you do that." I smiled back and nodded.

"Good to know. Baaaaby." His smile grew wider and he pulled me in, hugging me tight to his chest. I hugged him back and he planted a quick kiss on my head before releasing me.

"Alright... Let's get this shit checked out."

Vessel cracked open the door to the room and peeked around. Finding no one, he grabbed my hand and led me out, his cloak dragging behind me. We tiptoed over to III's room and just as Ves was about to knock, he froze, slowly turning to me with a shocked face and a goofy smile. He squeezed my hand and whispered.

"No. Fucking. Way." I gave him a confused look and he just held up a finger to his lips, then pointed to III's door. I took a step closer and could hear heavy breathing. Assuming it was just him jacking off, I threw my hands up and snorted, but Vessel aggressively shushed me, and shook his head. He pointed to the door again and held up four fingers. Again, I was confused, until it hit me. What we joked about earlier was true.

I leaned towards the door again and I heard a voice. IV. My mouth dropped open and Vessel giggled, bouncing on his toes. I covered my mouth and pointed towards II's door. Vessel vigorously nodded and quietly ran over to his door, knocking wildly. I covered my whole face, trying to contain the giggles. He was so excited, the image was hilarious.

After what felt like forever, a sleepy II pulled open the door and he glared at us both. His pajamas simply consisted of some loose black gym shorts that sagged just enough to show the waistband of his Calvin Kliens. As loyal as I was to Ves, the sight still made me blush and avert my eyes. He folded his arms and leaned against the door frame.

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