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I looked back up and Vessel and IV were staring at me, concerned. IV tilted his head.

"You good?... Got spacey on us for a second there..." I nodded and I walked over to Vessel.

"Um... I am kinda tired, can we maybe go sit?..." Vessel simply smiled and nodded, waving to the guys.

"See you in the morning guys, have a good one. Don't get too loud." I furrowed my brows, confused, but Vessel just ushered me out. IV picked up a throw pillow off the couch and slung it straight for Vessel, nailing him in the back of the head.

"Mind your business, bitch! We'll come bother you two later if you don't!" Vessel snickered and ducked his head, shutting the door behind him. I shot him a questioning look, but he shook his head, a goofy smirk on his face.

"II and I have a running theory that those two are secretly together. We always hang out in either III or IV's room. Thing is, whenever II and I head out for the night, they always stay together. Now, sure, you might not think past it. However. II came into my room at like, 3am giggling like a child cause he was hearing some fascinating sounds from III's room, but he never heard IV leave!" I giggled, and covered my mouth.

"Ooooh! Secret boyfriends!" Vessel doubled over, laughing. It stopped me in my tracks, seeing someone usually so reserved and calm, start laughing his ass off. Its rarity made it that much more special, and I committed this to my deep memory bank.

The door to III's room cracked and a pillow flew out, bouncing off my shoulder. I grabbed the pillow and tossed it back, snickering. A paintless hand caught it and flipped us off before the door shut, making me laugh harder. Vessel gasped for air and pulled me to him, hugging me. My laughter subsided and I hugged him back, resting my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and whispered.

"You ready to quit bullying the boyfriends and get to my room?" I snorted and nodded, releasing his waist and lacing my fingers in his. He led me down the line of rooms, but stopped at the first door, rather than going back to the original room.

"That wasn't your room earlier?" Vessel shook his head and opened the door.

"No, that's for everyone to chill in right before showtime. My feet just hurt from stomping around for an hour so I hung back for a second." I followed Ves into the room and I snorted, mumbling a snide remark.

"Not the only thing that's hung..." Vessel stopped short, freezing mid-step. He pulled me to stand right in front of him, and he leaned down, putting his lips right by my ear.

"Darling... Do I have your consent to respond in the way my body wants to?" The whisper sent chills down my spine, making my breath shaky. I desperately wanted to say yes. I so wanted him to throw his cloak across the room and pull me to the floor, right here and now. But I had to know what the future held for Ves and I.

"Not... Not yet... I need to ask something first..." Vessel straightened up and pet my hair.

"Of course, anything." He backed up to the couch and sat, motioning me to join him. I sat and rested my hand on his knee. I took a nervous breath.

"So... You asked me to be yours, and I said yes. But... What exactly are we? What is the relationship we have? A-And what happens after these concerts and you go back to the U.K.? I-I can't handle long distance, but I don't want to lose you... But I also don't want you to feel pressured to take me with you or stay here or anything. I just... I prefer to have it all out in the open..." I huffed, finishing my rant. Vessel just shook his head, smiling softly.

"Oh, love... When I say you're mine, then we are in a committed relationship. Dating. I am yours as much as you are mine. I wouldn't trade you for the world because you are my world now. As for us going back to the U.K., I was going to ask... Do you have anything tying you here? Friends, family, job?"

I thought for a second, but, fuck, I came to this concert alone. My parents never once called me since I've moved out, no close friends, I work that remote job, easy month to month contract in my shitty little apartment. I really didn't have a reason to stay here. I shook my head silently. Ves nodded and grabbed the hand I had laid on his knee.

"Then if you'd like, I would love for you to come back to London to the house with me and the guys... You can bring anything you'd like." My eyes lit up and I bounced in my seat.

"Really? You mean it?" Vessel's lips parted into a toothy grin and he let out a soft laugh.

"Of course I do, darling. I can bring it up with the guys in the morning." I giggled excitedly and launched myself towards Vessel, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back, kissing my shoulder.

"Now... Why don't we get this paint off of us and you can show me just what you mean by 'hung', hmm?" 

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