21. The friend we made along the way, maybe

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Jay stood before Sylvia's headless body, holding her severed head in his hands. He dropped the head onto the body, watching as it began to absorb it. As Sylvia's head reformed itself to her body and she blinked awake, Jay's smirk conveyed a mix of satisfaction and indifference.

"You're back," he stated simply before turning away and walking off texting on his phone, leaving Sylvia to process her situation.

Sylvia's eyes widened in shock as she regained consciousness and realized she was alive. Gripping her head tightly, she let out a scream of disbelief.

"I'm alive!" she exclaimed, getting up to her feet in fear and confusion. "How am I still alive?"

Jay shrugged "Eh well, you're the slime here, not me," he mumbled, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.

"And you...!" Sylvia's voice crackled with anger as she marched towards Jay, pointing an accusatory finger at him.

"Hm?" Jay raised his eyebrows, feigning innocence as he turned to face her.

"Why did you try to save me? That wasn't even saving, you KILLED ME!" Sylvia's words came out in a rush, her frustration evident in her tone.

"Yeah, well, all's well that ends well in the end, so it's all fineee." Jay shrugged and began to walk away.

"No!" Sylvia's voice rose sharply, halting Jay in his tracks.

"No?" Jay echoed, turning to face her with a bemused expression.

"You're the enemy!" Sylvia declared, assuming a fighting stance and fixing Jay with an intense gaze.

"Uhhhh." Jay took a step back, his confidence faltering in the face of Sylvia's determination.

"I will destroy you!!" Sylvia charged at Jay, swinging her fists wildly, but Jay skillfully dodged each blow. Suddenly, Sylvia's momentum carried her into a tree trunk, causing it to splinter and collapse partially. Jay's expression shifted to one of concern; while Sylvia's attacks seemed playful, they still held the potential to inflict harm if not avoided or countered.

Swiftly, Jay seized Sylvia's flailing hand and stretched it across her body, utilizing its slimy properties to bind her like a rope before deftly tripping her to the ground.

"I'll catch you, and when I do, I will..."

"Look, we both aren't taking this seriously, and as much as I would love to fight with you, slime girl, we might want to move from this location," Jay interrupted.

"Heh? Why?" Sylvia questioned, while being on the ground.

"Before coming here, I went over to the port and checked if any ships had arrived. Three ships in total have arrived here, and from what I heard, they are hunting, soooo..." Jay trailed off, implying that there were more people that could potentialy go after her.

"Fine, I'll be your hostage for the moment. Just don't let those people get anywhere near me!" Sylvia exclaimed.

"Hm?" Jay raised an eyebrow, surprised by her sudden change of heart.

"What?" Sylvia's tone softened, her guard dropping slightly.

"You were pretty easy to convince," Jay remarked, noting her quick surrender.

"Yeah, well..." Sylvia trailed off, her gaze shifting downwards.

Jay observed Sylvia's demeanor, sensing a shift in the atmosphere. "Did you... actually kill Sam?" she asked him her voice shaking.

"Ahh, yeah, no. Blue did try, though, but didn't really succeed. He's still alive, don't worry, slime girl!" Jay reassured her.

"Oh," Sylvia's expression shifted from one of sadness to one of relief. "And what's up with you calling me slime girl? We are enemies!"

"What, you don't like?" Jay asked, genuinely surprised.

"It's just weird. Kinda offensive, if you ask me," Sylvia replied.

"Oh, you're not human?" Jay raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, why?" Sylvia looked at him curiously.

"My bad then," Jay said, realizing his mistake.

The Infinite Story Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now