16. The Game Master

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In a long corridor covered with mirrors, Jay and Blue were trying to find an exit, their footsteps echoing through the empty space. Suddenly, a massive worm emerged from one of the mirrors, its target set on Jay. With his back turned, Jay remained calm until the last moment, effortlessly dodging the attack. Seizing the opportunity, Jay grabbed the worm's head just as it attempted to retreat into another mirror. Employing his ability, Skullk, Jay used his stretched feet to propel himself downward, using the ceiling as a platform to push himself down with the worm before it could escape.

The worm was still moving forward at immense speed nearly reaching the end of the corridor while Jay was still holding its head.

"Would you look at that, this corridor does have an end." As he said those words the worm started to spin and gained control of its movements, once again going in a mirror hiding and preparing its next attack

"I thought you would have finished this pointless battle by now," Blue suddenly appeared behind Jay, summoning his sword.

"Shhhhhh," Jay hushed him, raising his hand.


"Not yet..." The room fell quiet again. "Not yet..."

"On your left," Blue remarked casually as the monster reappeared on Jay's right.

Taking advantage of the moment, Jay leaped into the air and, using his ability, sharpened his finger into a blade. With a swift motion, he made a massive cut on top of the worm, slicing it from its head to its tail. Before it could escape, Jay seized the worm by its tail, stopping it in place.

The worm continued its attempts to escape, prompting Jay's warning to Blue.

"Oh, don't you fucking dare!" Jay exclaimed, backing away.

Ignoring Jay, Blue swiftly tripped him, causing Jay to stumble and allowing the worm to break free from the corridor. As they plummeted through the sky, Jay seized the opportunity and sliced the worm in half mid-fall, then grabbed onto the ceiling of the Prestige to stop his descent.

"Ehaaa!" Jay has had enough.

Blue calmly approached the edge of the corridor, peering down at Jay hanging from the ceiling. "Nice view, isn't it?"

Utilizing his Skullk ability once more, Jay maneuvered behind Blue. "Yeah, it's positively enchanting," he replied sarcastically.

"You haven't taken this seriously, have you?" Blue questioned Jay.

"Nah, not really," Jay replied, pulling out his phone. "Ha, they have no idea where they're at."

"I suppose not. This place has changed quite a bit since I was last here."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"While you were doing your thing, the little device I left down there has collected more data for me."

"Isn't that nice? Look at you go," Jay said, texting away on his phone.

"Yeah, the Prestige has managed to create life, intelligent life. Unlike the worm you just fought, there are humanoid beings here too," Blue explained.

"Wow, that's cool. It's almost like the info Johan has given us," Jay remarked.

"They found a city?" Blue asked.

"Yeah, and a way to the core too. Look at them being productive. I suppose your majesty has a way to get us down and straight to that city, or do I need to figure that one out too?" Jay inquired.

"You can do whatever you want," Blue replied casually.

"Fantastic." Jay sent a message. "Help will get here shortly!"

Suddenly reality started to glitch again and the ground shook.

"Ah, another worm!" Jay said casualy while puting his phone back on his pocket.

"No, its not that. This was something else..."

"Hello and good day, folks! What do we have here?" boomed a manly voice, echoing through the corridor. "A pink-eyed prince waiting to be rescued, only making jokes to avoid the bad situation he's in? And look at that, isn't that the famous Blue, our knight in shining armor who can almost do anything but when it comes to saying no to his wife, he just can't! What a gentleman! How are the other colors, do tell."

"And who the fuck is this guy supposed to be?" asked Jay, clearly annoyed for some reason but still in a happy mood.

"Ladies and gentlemen, or all I see is the ladies though. Anyways, I have been given the shittiest ability from our lord and savior, the Sun, to be your game master host or whatever you want to call it," announced the voice. "Let me explain. Both of you will be participating in a series of games with me, and whichever one of us wins gets to make the loser do something."

"Wow, that's great. When can I start?" Jay said with no emotion in his voice.

"I was going to make a cool entrance and all, but you kinda ruined it for me. You should apologize," Sam retorted.

"No, thank you."

"Haha, fuck you! And now, I present your host, ya boy Sam, ME!"

Sam emerged out of nothing. At first glance, he had a woman's appearance, with a blue eye and a red eye, including the body shape, facial features, and everything. "Hey, everybody," he said, his voice completely contrasting with his appearance.

Blue wasted no time and launched a small energy beam that pierced through Sam's heart. Immediately, Sam's body began to disintegrate, fading away into nothingness.

But to everyone's surprise, Sam reappeared unscathed. "That's not going to do anything, I'm sorry to disappoint," he said casually. "As long as we don't play a game, you can't get rid of me, and I'm free to do as I wish. Your reality magic is usseles!" his grin growing bigger

"Indeed, truly disappointing," Blue remarked.

"Don't listen to him. I'm up for the challenge," Jay declared, placing his hand around Sam's shoulders. "All we have to do is seal it with a universal deal, and you'll have my full attention!" Jay extended his hand for a handshake.

"I didn't know you wanted to be this serious, but sure, I'm in!" Sam accepted the handshake.

"I wasn't planning on playing, but sure, I'll play along," said Blue, crossing his arms.

"Ah, I see. So you're interested in them. Then why don't you let your pawn do all the work?" Sam teased.

"Jay is not that trustworthy, he'd throw the game," Blue responded.

"No, I wouldn't," Jay interjected from the background.

"Hah, then I suppose you wouldn't mind if I played a quick game of chess against him, now would you?" Sam proposed.

"Not at all, take your time," Blue replied casually.

"You fuckers don't choose what I do, but yes, a game of chess sounds nice. A great way to burn time," Jay added.

"Say what now?" Sam asked, confused.

"Nothing, nothing. Shall we begin? I hope you will be giving it your all aren't you?" Jay prompted.

"Of course! I'd never hope to dissapoint such a formidable opponent" Sam snapped his fingers. "Now shall we begin?"

Sam laughed, making a barrier around them with a wave of his hand. In the center of the enclosed space materialized a table and a chessboard, flanked by two chairs. "Please, take a seat," he gestured to Jay, pulling out the chair for him and ensuring everything was in place for the match ahead.

"Why thank you, such a gentleman you are," Jay replied, taking a seat with a slight grin.

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