5. Good job!

20 7 2

They entered the shopping center.

"We should be able to find the others here," Jenn remarked, still studying the map on her phone. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Of course, let's keep walking for now and look around," Jay muttered, opening his phone to recheck the map. "Or at least I hope so."

"I don't think we were being followed. I'll stay here for now and keep watch. You guys go search."

"Sure thing!" Jenn called out as she walked away, then turned back to Johan. "Text me if anything happens, okay?"

Johan gave her a thumbs up in response.

While Johan stayed at the door, Jay and Jenn went in.

"This place isn't that big; we should...

Without finishing his sentence, Jay bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going, you piece of sh*t!"



"Hm?" Lora said, confused, looking at Jay.



Here we have; Lora, also known as "the spirit white."With her immense magic power, she possesses various abilities, including reality manipulation on a massive scale. As the strongest of the reality spirits and a participant in the reincarnation project, her abilities are restrained. While she is capable of using her powers, she often chooses not to, as she is not in full control of them and may be controlled by or lose control over them. It's worth noting that reality spirits typically avoid interfering with free will unless absolutely necessary. Apparence whise, she is a girl with short white hair and black eyes.

"How have you been, girl?"

"Uh, uh, so ME and Mar went in to buy clothes. I got myself these!"

Lora spun around, proud of herself.

"You look great, girl."

Lora, with sparkles in her eyes, said, "Thank you."

Jenn feels left out. "Can we stop with the big reunion and focus? Where are Mar and the others?

Lora put her hands up. "Jeeeeenn!!!"

Lora goes in for a hug, and they both fall to the ground.

"I have missed you, girl."

"We just saw each other this morning," Jenn remarked, eyeing Lora's earnest expression. She replied with a forced smile, "Uhhhh, I'm so happy to see you too!"

Jenn was just regretting her life choices. "Now get off me."

"Oh yes, sorry."

"Its fine."


Jenn opens her phone and sees that Mar texted her.

"Mar said that he saw us from the third floor; he is coming."

"Are you fucking shitting me? He responded to YOU and not ME!"

Jay looks at his phone again.

"Ill end em!"

All the speakers suddenly turned on, blaring out a commanding message:

"All individuals must evacuate the building immediately. I repeat, all individuals must leave the building."

"Well shit?"

"Powers out."

"What do we do?" Lora hid behind Jenn and dragged Jay next to her too.

The Infinite Story Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now