Airy's Adventures in Other Dimensions

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How's it going, Edgelings?!

I'm super hyped for this new book! This first chapter went amazingly well! I had two people who didn't turn their prompts in, but otherwise everything went to plan!

Thank you so much to all the talented writers out there who submitted a part! I'll add comments on each of the parts giving my thoughts and opinions!

Now, without further ado, I present to you...

Airy's Adventures in Other Dimensions!


Part 1: DimmyDoodles! Go check them out on AO3!

Airy opened up his eyes. For the 10th, 15th, 20th times. He's been flipping, flipping, flipping through the radio on the table on The Plane, but no luck. He's died every single time.

The lantern sits on the stool in the wooden hut. More like... slouches on the stool. It's been a long... how long has it been? Well, it's been a long death. He can't really even walk anymore. Airy sighs and looks into the distance, hoping to see Bac- Liam again. He'd be ready to follow him about now. But instead, he turns back to the radio. He slowly reaches for the dial. Everything hurts, but not really. Airy turns the dial, clockwise, counter-clockwise, then clockwise again, like a combination lock on a locker. Once the lantern is done spinning the thing, he pulls the antenna and waits.


Oh no.

That's exactly what OJ said when he found it. Now, OJ doesn't swear much, but it's not every day that he finds a supposedly dead lantern facedown on the floor. Should he poke it? No, bad idea, that's gross. Oh man, this is gonna bring down the property value so much. He decides to talk to it instead.

"Uh. Hi, dead body on my floor. Are you...okay???"

"..." says the dead guy.

"..." OJ answers.

"...ah.." the dead guy replies. No, wait. We have proof that they're not dead!

"OH MY ORANGES- um. Hi there...guy," OJ jumps when he hears it make noise. "How did you get in here?" The person is still facedown on the floor. They shuffle around, seeming like they're trying to get up, but to no avail. OJ bends down and takes the alive lantern's handle, pulling them upright. OJ then drags him over to the shabby couch in the middle of the lobby and sets him against it.

"Stay. I don't know where you came from, but I'm not letting anyone steal my juice again. Now, how did you get inside?!"



"The radio" the lantern answers. Is this a joke? OJ doesn't even own a radio.

"Listen weirdo, I don't know who you are, but I have an idea of how you got here. I'm calling MePad." OJ pulls out his Mokia phone and dials MePad.

*beep boop phone dialing noises*



MePad answers in his professional grammar, "Hello, Mr. OJ! What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Hey. Yeah, did you uh... accidentally teleport anyone recently?"

"No, I don't think so. Did someone break in again?"

"Looks like it. Um. Do you think you could remove them please?"

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