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Hey guys! Uhm sos for being like Planet X,,, I promise I'll try update more- my motivation left like earth to go to the sun- anyways,, I'll start writing ((these next chapters might be short while I try to think of a good upload schedule that I won't follow!:3)) Fl0w3rg1rlor ((4 you))

NOTE: I'm very braindead and don't fully know how to write this so it's gonna be very all over the place!

Just like my mind,, /ref

Mars' pov:

Well uh... todays the day I guess!.. I don't even know why I'm telling them this. It's not like they NEED to know😒, I mean. It's obvious-

Okay I lied it isn't obvious..... :/ but still! They could've guessed!!! I mean I am known as the planet for aliens after all,, but how do I tell them:| it's not like I can go up to them and just say!

"HI GUYS JUST SO YOU KNOW IM A SHAPESHIFTER! I don't mean any harm! Anyways do you wanna play uno with me?:3"

"What." A voice that sounded like he smoked 69 cigarettes daily said



Mars went silent, the dumbass accidentally told them,, Uhm.. Atleast they knew?!. Uhm.

"You're a shapeshifter?!" Earth said jaw agape
"Uhm... yeah, :/" Mars managed to mumble
They all stood,, floated?.. in silence for a while,, it was a VERRYYY awkward situation after all, I mean- Mars did not mean to tell them after all, WELL HE DID! Just not now, at some point within the next day, or two...

Or 50..

Oorrr 3957...

That dosent matter! The point was Mars WASS gonna tell them! Right,,, yeah he totally was. Not a lie at all.

Venus' pov:

I stared at Mars, a neutral expression plastered all over my face. I was getting fed up. "YOU SAID PLAY CARDS! DEAL THE CARDS IDIOT!" I shouted. Mars seemed to flinch as I yelled but then seemed shocked? He probably didn't expect me to be so chill, - I can't even be chill well shit,, Mars deals the Cards and I get the worst hand WTF.. WHY IS IT  ALWAYS ME GETTING THE WORST HAND.


Personally im actually shocked,,, I look at Venus and see his reaction tho- he looks mad. He probably got bad cards again,

This is how his villain arc is gonna start istg💀💀


Sorry it's short and bad- I'm dumb- uhh yeah:3 bye bye!:9

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