Chapter Twenty-Four

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They hadn't spoken to each other in a week, silence filling the apartment when they were both home, the envelope with their baby's gender in it sitting on the counter, unopened, they were both getting texts asking about the gender, and if they knew yet, Marinette ignored everyone aside from Alya who was her only source of comfort. Leaving the apartment without a word Marinette walked to a coffee shop to meet with her best friend, needing to get out of the awkward apartment for even just an hour.

"You and Adrien still not talking?" Alya asked as she saw Marinette for the first time in a week, she's looked drained, emotionally, and physically.
"Yep, haven't said a word to him in a week." Marinette ordered a juice for herself since she was still cautious of the baby growing inside her, as much as she disliked what it was doing to her relationship, it wasn't their fault.
"Understandable, he was a jerk, but you need him Mar, right now, if you have this baby, he'll be the only one in the delivery room with you." Alya was right, and Marinette knew it, but she couldn't bring herself to stop being upset with Adrien for not talking to her, they hadn't shared a bed in a week, hadn't spoken in a week, she hardly ate anything that wasn't take-out in a week.
"I can't just forgive him Alya, I don't even know if he wants me, let alone this baby, but it takes two to make one of these things, and he's just as responsible for it as I am, I just...I don't know what to say or do." Marinette spoke sadly as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks, her hormones getting the best of her once again.
"Look...why don't you come stay with me for a few days, I may still be living at home, but I'm sure my mom would be happy to give you some advice on pregnancy and how to handle your emotions." Alya offered, knowing Marinette had nowhere else to go, no one other than herself or Adrien to hold her when she was so upset, she hoped that maybe she could find a surrogate mother in her own.
"Thanks Als." Marinette gratefully accepted Alya's offer, the two girls walking back to the apartment where Adrien's presence no longer was, according to a note on the counter, he'd left for class but would be back in about an hour and a half.

After packing up some of Marinette's clothing in a small backpack along with her laptop, charger and phone charger, Marinette didn't want to leave a note for him, still feeling bitter about their whole situation Alya wrote one for her. 'Marinette needs to cool down, she and the baby will be safe with me for a few days. -Alya' she wrote down everything that was necessary, Alya knew Adrien trusted her, so hopefully he would give Marinette space and Marinette would give him the space they both desperately needed, as soon as Marinette was settled Alya's phone began to blow up with Adrien checking on Marinette, making sure that her and the baby were alright, at least when they were in the apartment Adrien didn't have to ask someone if Marinette was okay, he just knew by how she was eating, how she was feeling, what she was doing, he could keep an eye on her from the sidelines, even if they weren't speaking.
At the apartment Adrien was panicked, the note wasn't even from Marinette it was from Alya, which he trusted her, but he didn't like the feeling that if Alya hadn't left a note there wouldn't have been one, he'd really messed up, the next few days were torture, spent either going to classes, or sitting at home staring at the envelope on the counter, he needed to know, he needed to fix his relationship with Marinette, not just for them, but for the baby they were going to have. Pulling open the letter he read the results by himself, wanting to surprise Marinette with it, 'Its a Girl' his heart beat a little faster at the idea of having a daughter.

"Mari was right." He whispered to himself, in a way happy that she was right, happy that they were having a baby girl. Beginning his internal plan, he started shopping, buying a ring, some pink iced cookies, and a shirt for himself that said 'worlds best girl dad' he needed to prove to himself and her that he was fully in this, fully with her and their baby girl. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he texted Alya to have her bring Marinette to the park, setting up a grand gesture in the same park he'd given her the promise ring in, there were flowers all over, he was wearing the goofy girl dad shirt he knew Marinette would get a good laugh out of, and was standing in between all the flowers.
Seeing all the flowers as they approached Marinette's expression became confused. "What's all this? Is someone getting proposed to?" He could hear her from across the park. Having predicted his moves even without knowing it was him, he laughed softly to himself.


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"I'm sorry I've failed you for so long already princess, but I want to make it up to you,
right now."


He could see Marinette check her phone in the distance, her eyes widening as she realized all of the decorations in the park were from Adrien, it was him doing this, setting it all up, he was waiting for her in between all the flowers, wearing the most ridiculous shirt she'd ever seen him wear. Walking up to him slowly, her eyes teared up as she read his shirt, placing her hand on her stomach.

"It's a girl?" That was the only thought on her mind, that their baby was a little girl, all the pink roses, and pink decor around them should've made it obvious, but the fact that her favorite color was pink was a great cover, the real information of their baby's gender was said by his ridiculous shirt.
"Yeah, I couldn't wait any longer to know, and I wanted it to be special you finding out." He spoke softly, knowing how in a way she'd hoped for a baby girl. Marinette was about to open her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Adrien getting down on one knee. "And, to make sure you know I'm fully in this with you, and our little girl, I wanted to ask you officially, if you would marry me? As bad a boyfriend I may be sometimes, I want to make up for all the pain I've caused you, I hope you'll give me one more chance to prove that I can be a fantastic father, and fiancé... If you'll have me." Adrien finished, looking up at her, hoping she would accept his proposal, that she would agree to marry him.

All he was met with her tears, and Marinette nodding her head yes, even if things were rough, they always found their way back to each other, hugging Adrien tight she accepted his proposal, holding him tight for a moment as they hugged for the first time in almost 2 weeks, one of Adriens hands sliding to her swollen stomach as they hugged, he hadn't realized how much he missed the feeling of her and their baby, he knew now he would never regret being apart of this baby girl's life. He now knew just how badly he'd messed up, missing out on so much of Marinette's pregnancy as he felt a small kick against his hand.



Text Me Sometime An Adrienette Soulmate AU (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now