Chapter Twenty-Three

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This Chapter will contain depictions of genuine relationship issues surrounding pregnancy and mental health.

If you are struggling with mental health, please don't hesitate to seek help from professionals!

3 weeks passed, Marinette and Adrien began to attend University together, Marinette's growing stomach being a great tool to keep guys off her back about dates, though most her time was spent in the library since she was already ahead in her courses from her online classes, which she continued to take, but today was special, they were going to the doctor for their baby's physical exam, where they could decide to learn the gender, or do a reveal for themselves and all their friends like Zoe had mentioned, but Marinette was incredibly impatient with the baby and wanted to know, she could set up something for their friends later.

"Mar, you need to slow down, you're not running a race." Adrien laughed softly at his girlfriends eagerness, he still had his doubts about the pregnancy, but had yet to tell Marinette wanting her to enjoy her pregnancy as much as she could.
"I know, but I'm so excited, I've had this gut feeling it's a girl since we found out, and I'm so happy we will finally know." Marinette's voice was as excited as Adrien wished he could be, but if this baby was a girl like Marinette he didn't know how he would feel, maybe like how Marinette's father once felt about her? But he hadn't been around for 5 years at this point, how was he supposed to know how to treat a daughter without an example.
"Yeah, me to." He spoke with much less enthusiasm than Marinette, who seemed to catch on to his hesitation to see their child.
"Adrien, are you okay?" Marinette asked softly as she layed herself back on the exam table, lifting her shirt to allow the ultrasound technician full access to her stomach, Adrien opening his mouth to speak before he was interrupted by the technician coming into the room.

They sat in silence for about 20 minutes as the scanner moved around on Marinette's stomach though Marinette was now much less excited about seeing the baby after hearing how unenthusiastic Adrien was, it was concerning to her that he seemed to not really care at all, his eyes never even looking at the ultrasound screen as his eyes were glued to his phone, it was obvious that something was wrong now, Marinette watching the screen while trying to hide her tears, they had never once fought over anything serious in their relationship, and yet suddenly he seemed to want nothing to do with their child, Marinette was conflicted as she wiped her face, interrupting the ultrasound to get up and get a moment of silence in the bathroom entirely by herself. Pulling out her phone and texting Alya as she had no one else.


"I need advice."


She waited a few minutes for the response Alya eventually writing a response to her, though Marinette's vision was far too distorted by tears to read, deciding to call her instead.
"I don't think Adrien wants me anymore Alya..." Marinette sobbed into the phone, not thinking it could run any deeper than her own soulmate not wanting anything to do with her or their child.
"Woah woah woah girl, slow down, what do you mean?" Alya's voice came through the phone, comforting Marinette slightly in her hormonal state, the bluenette crying harder at the thought of what she was about to say.
"We were in the doctor's office, the ultrasound was normal routine, but Adrien was just looking at his phone, no interest in the baby, like he wasn't even in the room." Marinette sobbed harder as her legs gave out beneath her and she fell to the floor of the bathroom. The thud of her hitting the wooden floor could be heard out into the hallway, where Adrien was sitting waiting for her.
"Maybe you're just overthinking things because you're pregnant Mari, you've gone through a lot in the last 5 years and a baby is just icing on the cake, maybe give Adrien some space and everything will go back to normal." Alya did the best she could to give Marinette advice, but there was really no explaining or excusing Adriens behavior, and Alya unfortunately knew nothing about it in the first place, as far as she was aware, Adrien and Marinette were as happy as they always were.

The door opening slowly brought Marinette out of her emotional rollercoaster as a nurse came in to check on her, hanging up the phone Marinette wiped the tears from her face and silently went back to the ultrasound room where they continued to look at the unborn baby, the technician writing the gender on a piece of paper then putting it in an envelope and handing it to Marinette, who held the small envelope in her shakey hands, dropping it around 6 times as they left the doctor's office. Each time Adrien would pick it up for her and give it back to her, before finally deciding internally to carry it himself so that she wouldn't risk dropping it again and distorting the results, he did want to know what gender their baby was, but he was scared of it, scared that he would fail Marinette more than anything.

"What's wrong Princess?" He asked as he climbed in the driver's seat, he knew something was bothering her from how she'd been holding back tears ever since she left the bathroom, which he knew was practically impossible for her in her hormonal state.
"Do you not love me anymore?" Marinette's question felt like a shot to the heart for Adrien, he knew he'd been a little distant, but he didn't think it was that noticable, they'd been friends since they were 5, yet here she was doubting his love for her, all because he was scared about becoming a parent.
"Of course I love you Marinette, I'm just...I don't know, I can't fully explain it, I've been having a lot of issues up here." He pointed to his head before continuing. "Because of the baby, I don't know if I'll be a good dad, and what if the baby is a girl, it's not like I can ask your dad for advice on raising a little girl." Adrien spoke not realizing the weight his words would have on Marinette as tears quickly began to fall down her face. Quickly regretting his choice of words, his expression dropped as fast as her tears did. "I'm sorry-"
"Save it, just drive." Marinette cut him off not wanting to hear anymore, if he didn't drive she would get out of the car and call Alya to pick her up, it was obvious Adrien would probably be sleeping on the couch that night.

After a long, uncomfortably silent drive they finally pulled up to their apartment Marinette grabbed the envelope and went inside without a word, she was to emotional to try and be reasoned with, going inside behind her, Adrien sat on the couch and layed his head back against the cushions, not knowing what he could say or do now, the silence in the apartment was interrupted by small sobs being heard from the bedroom, it broke him to know he was the cause of the tears she was shedding.


Words: 1238

Text Me Sometime An Adrienette Soulmate AU (Rewritten)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें