An Offer

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- Moon

"Get in the water."


"Get in. Now."


"Get in. Or I kill everyone you have. Destroy, every. Last. Piece. Of anything you created or had any part in."



I blinked with a startle.

It was late afternoon. The vision hit me so hard I was  stumbling into the road.

I get out of the road and find a wall to lean on and think.

I vaguely recognized the voices. Which felt odd, it felt like I should know the voices.

But I didn't.

I shivered. The pure rage in the voice made me scared.

I had no idea who these people were, I just saw two dark figures, by a river, in the woods. And a slumped figure on the ground.

Focus on your mission Moon.

Still, something about the vision shook me deeply. It made my skin crawl in a way I've never felt before. I didn't like it.

I started to walk towards Wasp's palace again. I was so close.

I kid you not, I could hesr screams coming from the Hive. No one payed any attention to them though. Must be normal to them.

I keep my head down, and walk in the line to enter the palace.

This line is for Hivewings, if they have an idea, or complaint. Except if you complain you usually get killed. Most come to praise Wasp.

The line was long, but I waited. I refused to draw any attention to myself.

When I small door opened and a guard slipped out of I entered sneakily and hid in the dark room for a long moment.

Then a guard came through and lit the candles, lighting up the room. The guard left without spotting me.

I walk around. There are just hundreds of cases, filled with this odd milky thing.

I shivered and moved through quickly.

Then I made my biggest mistake yet, I opened the door at the end of the room. Which revealed the throne room with Wasp in it.

All eyes went to me.

I got so close. Just to get caught in it.

My heart wrenches painfully.

Wasp grins evily. "Leave us." she tells her guards.

They leave quickly. "Come in darling." she says.

Cautiously I step into the throne room.

Wasp stands up.

"Moonwatcher. It's truly a delight to see you. Like I said before I do admire you greatly. Your gifts make you exceptionally unique." Wasp says.

I stay stone cold despite her praise.

"I see you left your group. Honestly I'm not surprised. It's natural for young, powerful, female Nightwings like yourself. Others simply hold you back. And to get what you want you must go on your own." Wasp says.

"That's not-" I start.

"Mm, disagree with me if you like. But I don't recommend it." she says.

I shut my mouth.

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