Chapter 19: Are You An Angel?

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It was only five months since Jace and Noah had been married, and everything was perfect. The two of them matched each other perfectly and synced with each other. Noah had easily adopted the roles of queen and Luna. He was a natural leader and easily took the reins of his responsibilities. And he was training under Ramen, the head doctor and the healer of Serenity Medical Center.

But fate decided their lives were too boring and they needed to add some action. So that was why they were here. Surrounding an abandoned factory readying for an ambush. In the past few days, the rogues attacks had increased with several kidnappings of children and omegas. So, it was understandable to say Jace was furious.

So now here they were. As a result of the investigation, Colin was able to find out the hideout of these shitbags with shocking revelations. They were not simply rogues. They were hired by some hunters who were still doing omega trades under the law. Even though it wasn't a large scale, Jace was determined to wipe it out completely.

The ambush was successful. Those hunters had very little brains and never accepted that they would come for him. So, it was fair to say they all had been caught off guard, and Midnight Warriors sent them directly to the doors of hell.

Noah was also there, fighting by his mate's side. Apart from the training, this was the first time he was fighting beside his mate, and it was better than he expected. They watched each other's backs and fought side by side, killing everyone who had come to their path. So, within a few hours, every rogue and hunter dropped dead. They found captured omegas and little children; fortunately, they weren't injured. That was what they thought until Nathen's scream echoed through the factory.

"Alpha, you need to see this!"

Jace and Noah ran to the room that Nathen had just entered. And the scene that greeted him made angel's bile run up to his throat. The walls and the floor were covered with old and fresh dark stains. The smell that came from them conformed to what they were. The smell of blood in the room was thicker than in any other place. And the smell of pain and distress.

It came from the table that was placed in the middle of the room, where the only light source hung on the ceiling. On the table was a little kid about six or seven years old, strapped down to the table with a muzzle around his mouth. What made everything horrible was the blood slipping down on the little body and the bloody tools laid around the table. The tools that were used to torture this little boy.

It was Noah who first gathered the composition and made the first move. He dashed to the table, which had given him horrible nightmares. and seeing another little boy in there made his heartbreak. As he got a closer view, he could see the dark orbs of the little boy, who was showing nothing but panic and fear.

Noah didn't waste time and ripped off the muzzle, but the boy was too panicked to trust anyone. So, he did the first difficult thing he could do. He bit Noah's hand as much as tight he could, making Noah hiss out in pain.

That broke Jace and Nathen out of their frozen state.


Jace ran towards his mate to inspect his hand, while Nathen rushed to hold down the little boy, preventing him from biting off another. Even though the boy was small and hurt, he was strong. He must definitely have some alpha blood. He glared at everyone in the room while trying to get out of the restraints.

"Are you okay?"

Jace asked, inspecting angel's hand. It was pretty bad and bleeding heavily. The kid got him good. But Noah didn't mind a little bit of pain and stared at the boy who was struggling against Nathen's hold.

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