Chapter 6: Meeting

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Trigger warnings:

· Unpleasant sexual comments

· Blood and gore

Jace's office was in the center of the town, providing easy access to everyone. Actually, it wasn't just his office. It was the old castle of the King of the Supernatural. But with time, Kings preferred to move into their own homes, which had a homier atmosphere than the ancient castle. So now the castle had been remodeled to serve as the headquarters of all important divisions of Midnight Pack, along with the King and Queen's offices.

In addition, it had a huge ballroom where they held important ceremonies and a conference room where they made important decisions. Even though they didn't live there any longer, there were still bedrooms and other facilities for the Howarthhorn family. So, Noah, Jace, and the pups spend some of their vaccinations there as a tradition.

Guards and workers all bowed as Noah entered the castle. Noah just managed to show them a smile, but inside he had a very bad feeling about the current events.

When they reached the conference room on the top floor of the castle, he could sense all the others already present.


Jace was the first one to greet the omega queen as he entered the meeting room.


Noah breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at his mate. Jace was wearing a navy blue three-piece suit and stood there in full glory. The mere sight of his mate was able to wash over all the worries he had felt throughout the day.

"My Queen."

Others around the conference table bowed to him with respect. Noah greeted them back with a smile as he took a place beside his mate at the head of the table after a quick hug.

He glanced around the table, taking everyone's face. Even with quick notice, everyone seemed to gather quickly.

Rayan Jackson, king's advisor, sat right beside Jace. Rayan was Jace's best friend in childhood and had trained for this position since childhood. He was smart and clever, good with strategies, aiding all of the important decisions. By Rayan's right side sat his mate, Kara Howarthhorn, Jace's little sister, second in command of Midnight Warriors.

Next to her sat another mated pair, Rachel and Nathen. Nathen, fox shifter was the head of the foreign affairs and diplomatic division while Rachel, seer, historian and in charge of the educational and public affairs department.

On the other side of the table, on the left side of Noah sat Song Yoongi, Commander of Midnight Warriors. From his left sat his younger brother Taehyung who was in charge of the spells and cyber division and his brother-in-law Colin Daher, head of the Criminal department.

"So, what was the reason for this emergency meeting?"

It was Yoongi who spoke first. He was a board alpha with a powerful aura with a grumpy look on his face. The combination of wolf and warlock blood in his veins made him a more powerful warrior. He took his job very seriously and under his command the security of Midnight Pack was maintained at the top level.

"Do you find something?"

Ryan asked glancing at Colin and Noah.

"Well, we found something, and it wasn't good news."

Colin answered with a sigh.

"What is it?" Kara asked from Ryan's left side. "It can't be something worse than things already are."

Painting the Sky (M×M)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें