Chapter Fifty-Seven

Start from the beginning

She softly walked away from Daemion toward Rhaena's bed and looked at her mother with a worried face as she softly reached for her mother's hand and held it for seconds before softly letting go of it.

"Do not worry, little one." Daemion spoke softly from where he was sitting on his knees for. "She will be alright. I promise."

The little girl looked back at Daemion and walked toward Daemion and since Daemion had shortened his tall height to her height, she began to study Daemion's face with her eyes... Eyes that Daemion could see the colour of. The deepest shades of violet.

Daemion spoke softly "My name is Daem–"

"The Black Dragon." The girl softly spoke mesmerized by Daemion's face and eyes. Looking at him as if she was trying to recognize him, to remember where she had seen him before. "Daemion the Black Dragon."

Daemion was surprised, but he softly smiled "I never thought one as young as you would know my name, little one." Daemion spoke as he was sitting on his knees and he laid his elbows on his knees as he held Dark Sister. "What's your name?"

The girl looked down shyly and spoke softly. "Rhaella."

"Rhaella." Daemion softly repeated. He could not describe why he enjoyed speaking her name so much. As if speaking her name breathed cool wind upon him. " A beautiful name for a beautiful girl such as yourself, Rhaella."

Rhaella softly blushed in shyness, but she smiled a small smile and raised her head and looked at Daemion's eyes. "I had... heard... your name from people of the Red Keep." Rhaella spoke softly.

"Did you?" Daemion asked with a soft smile. "I hope you heard good things." If anyone had anything good to say about me, which as far I recall, it was no one. Daemion thought to himself.

"I didn't... hear much." Rhaella spoke shyly. "Some called you Black Dragon... Some called you Prince of Oldtown... And some called you The Bastard Dragon."

Daemion pressed his lips together calmly. Still a bastard eh? He thought to himself, but he was not surprised.

"What about your mother?" Daemion asked softly. "Did she... Ever spoke of me?"

Rhaella softly nodded. "She said that you are our cousin...But... Father, he despised you." Rhaella spoke softly as she avoided Daemion's eyes .

"Why would you think that, little one?" Daemion asked as he smiled a small smile and looked at Rhaella. "Why do you think your father despised me?"

"Because I saw her the night that she and father fought... Father cursed your name and called mother a..." Rhaella left her words undone as she grabbed her green dress and looked at the ground even more determined. "When I went to her chamber, she was sitting behind her jewelry desk, holding a necklace and softly calling out your name."

Daemion did not know what to say. He did not know how to comfort Rhaella, and he could not wait for Aegon's body to arrive so he could punch it back to life so he could force Aegon's belly open a mouth so it could tell him how many times he had dared himself to insult Rhaena... Did he dare to strike her as well?! Daemion wondered to himself but he took in a deep breath.

A small silence took place between the two, as Daemion was drowned in his thoughts, and Rhaella continued to look at Daemion's face and spoke softly.

"I... My condolences for Prince Maegor's passing..." Rhaella spoke softly as she grabbed her green dress, but her deep violet eyes never left Daemion's deep violet eyes. "He... was the kindest man to me...To me and my sister."

Daemion felt as if he could let his tears out once more, but he fought the tears back and smiled softly. "It means a lot to me, beautiful Princess. Thank you." Daemion spoke softly as he smiled at the girl's refined and elegant yet sweet nature.

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