The Chosen One

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TDL was looking around, shocked. TSC and the others ran to him, "What happened?!" Yellow asked "I- I don't know, I need to talk with him."

"But how? He already ran too far away while you were looking at the others." Second crossed his arms, he looked at Orange. "I warned him, it was you, or me. One of us was going to tell you sooner or later." King walked to them. "I was going to tell you after this."

"I- don't have time for this, I need to go with him I..." Dark glanced to Alan "do you-... Do you think you can get me to him? Do you know where he is?!" Dark was panicking.

"Calm down, don't worry calm down. He cannot hear you..." Red replied. "I can help with that" yellow continued.

While yellow was finding a way to communicate with Alan, TDL and TSC started to explain the others everything. Everyone was leaving, but it didn't matter.  After almost another hour, yellow finally spoke "I got it! He can finally hear us."

Dark looked at Alan nervous "Hello..?"

"Hello..." A voice coming from the cursor said. "I- I don't have time to explain! You may hate me for what I did to you and everything but-... I need your help! Please get me to where he ran!" The tone of Dark was desperate. "That will be... Hard, I dont know where he ran, but I can help you find him" — "good!" Dark replied

For the next hour were looking for TCO. They couldn't find it.

"Are you sure he didn't just... Jump off a cliff or something?" Alan asked "what kind of question is that?" — "I don't know I ju-" "There!" He interrupted Alan, both of them got down where Chosen was.

An old place where they had a discussion a while ago. His old house.
TCO was cryikg there.

"You can go with the others. I have to talk with him here." He walked to Chosen

"Hey man..." Dark tried to talk, but he didn't knew what to say. He continued to walk to him, a bit slowly now.

"D- don't get any closer! I... I don't deserve you..." — "W- what? What sre you talking about Chosen?" He stopped walking.

"You- are the best person I've ever met... You're perfect, and I am... Me."

"Chosen don't say thay of you, you're a really good person too." — "I'm not! I- I cheated on you! Why would I be a good person?!"

"We've both made our mistakes along our relationship... But that's what makes us better! That's what makes our relationship stronger! Just look at how far we've got!" Dark tried to get closer to him

"I- I said don't get closer!" Chosen light up some fire on his hand, a really weak fire. "I am a horrible person- I- I'll hurt you! I..." He started to cry, the fire on his hand disappeared. Dark took the opportunity to get closer to him. To hug him.

"It's okay, everything will be okay" Chosen just continued hugging him.

"I don't want to hurt you ..." — "And you won't... I don't care who you cheated me with, that's the past, and I'd like to think about the present. Our present." He smiled softly.

"I-... I love you Dark... I really do ..."

"Do you still want to marry me?" He chuckled

"Lets stay like this for just five minutes more ..."


Aktualy 🤓🤓 theres a song from "Miranda!" That explains it ☝️☝️☝️

The Chosen One x The Dark Lord [Alan Becker]Where stories live. Discover now