The Mall

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When TDL and TSC entered the mall, they did it with hats, trying to not get recognized by the cops or something.

"Why do I have to wear this?"
TSC asked, whispering to TDL "I'm not even a haunted criminal!"
He said, his face was clearly angry and he almost crashes with another person

"No but you're color is like me! And if someone thinks you're me, they will see that I am with you"
He said while they were walking to the stairs

"In what world the orange is like the red?!"
His voice was more loud, TDL puts his hand on Second's mouth

"First of all, shut up! Second-"
TDL stayed still for a few seconds before laughing a bit
He wasn't talking to TSC, he was just remembering what he said. He sighs.
"And second, what if a guard is colorblind?!"

TSC just stared at him, with his face looking pissed off.
When they got to the first floor, TDL instantly knew where they needed to go
"So, when I was with TCO and we weren't haunted criminals, we used to come here. Almost often."
He said, looking around
"I always wanted to enter to a shop but he never let me to"
Dark looks at Second
Second tilts his head a bit and raises an eyebrow
"I don't know, but now I'm with you, and he's not here to stop me in entering!"

TSC chuckles
"Look, is right there!"
TDL points to a shop before he starts running to eat, grabbing TSC hand to take him with him. They enter to the shop

"No wonder why he never let you come here"


"The shop is for couples"
He gave a quick look to all the things in there

"I mean... Yeah..."

They started exoloring the place, it was kind of small, but TDL found something that catch up his attention
"Do you have anything in mind Dark?"

"That!" He pointed at something.
He grabbed it and looked at it. He knew he would like it

"Why that? You sure he's gonna like it?"
TSC crosses his arms with a smirk on his face

"I'm more than sure! He's gonna love it!"
TDL started to walk where they had to pay

"I don't think Chosen likes that kind of things but, well, he's not my boyfriend anyway"

They arrived at the cash register, TDL puts the gift on it
"I want this!"
He almost yells, the guy at the other side of the cash register laughs
"Fine, it will beeee..."
He says, looking for the prize in a small screen
"500 dollars"

TDL and TSC mouths instantly opened up
"500 dollars?!"
He yells to the guy, TSC puts his hand in his shoulder

"Y- yeah..."
The guy said kind of shy, he stepped back a bit"

TSC got next to TDL
"Hey, it's okay..."

"No, no it's not!"

He looked away
"What am I supposed to do?!"
TDL covered his face with his hands, his voice was shaky
"Can I save this?! Like can I make sure no one else is going to buy this?! Pkease?!"
He said with a desperate tone

"Sure! Sure!"

TDL sighs
"Thanks... We'll come back later"
They got out of the shop

Back with TCO

He has been laying in the bed all the day, it was almost 7 pm and TDL hasn't showed up, he was staring at the celling, before he hears the main door opening up. Chosen instantly gets up flying and going to the entrance

He said with obviously excitement, hugging Dark
"I thought you weren't gonna come back!"

"Uhh, why?"
He hugged back Chosen, after a few seconss the hug breaks

"Because- why do you have an ice cream?"
He raised an eyebrow

"Oh, TSC bought two for us"
TDL said with a smile
"Oh... And where is he?"
TDL walked to the table so TCO glanced at him, not fully turning around

"He already went back to the PC, we got exhausted"

Exhausted?! Of what?! Many thoughts started to come up to TCO mind, but he just wanted to ignore them
"Then... You should sleep"
He says with a soft smile

"Yeah, just let me finish ice cream"

A few minutes later, they were both in bed cuddling, none of both were sleeping and there was only silence in the room, a really peaceful silence.
A silence that got interrupted by the doorbell again
"What?" Chosen asked
"Don't worry, I'll go"
TDL got up, he putted his pants on and his jacket, being lazy to even wear a shirt.
When he leaved the room, Chosen sitted slightly in the bed. He could hear TDL talking with someone in the entrance, but couldn't recognize the voice, he was really sleepy.
A few minutes later, TDL came back to the room, got his clothes off once again and layed in bed next to TCO

"Who was knocking?"
He asked, his voice being scratchy

"No one"
Dark said becore putting his arms around TCO.

Chosen didn't wanted to fight so he just let Dark do whatever he wants to.
It was just amount of time before they both fall asleep.


Thanks once again for reading! I'll try to get the part 9 out this week!

Goobye for now!!!

The Chosen One x The Dark Lord [Alan Becker]Where stories live. Discover now