I love you

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TDL and TCO were in their home, they were planning their next attack...

So, got any ideas TCO?

Hmm... Not at all... Maybe Newgrounds this time?

I don't know.. Maybe we should just give a rest from attacking the internet for now, what do you think?

Yeah, maybe

So, wanna do something else?

Not really, I want to train

Well let's train together then

Hmm... No thanks, I don't wanna hurt you

*TCO chuckles*

You? Hurt me? Pff!
Yeah you can actually hurt me

Well then, I'll go to the forest

Okay then, I'll try to work on something I've had in mind for a while...

Okay then, see ya later!

I love you!

*TCO closes the door*

I love you too- wait what? What did he just said?

*TDL face looks confused...*
*After a while, TCO comes back to the house*

So, how was it?

Good! I think I am getting better with the ice thing!

Cool! Well, I guess... It's time for you to see what I've been working on

Sure, show me

*TDL walks to a room where TCO follows him*

Look, hes Spidey!

What... The actual heck is that?

*TCO gets closer to the red spider im the wall*

What... Does this do?

Well, he enters to a person's computer, and starts infecting it part, by part, destroying the computer slowly

*An smile appears in TDL face*


I name it, ViralBot! Or something like that, i lost the papers...


Amazing right? Look, here's an example of how you take it to a computers. You'll see...


You just select a computer in here and then you put the spider in it and the...


*Dark looks at TCO confused*

What? Am I explaining too fast?

No! It's just too much!

Your little brain can't take it?

ITs not that. The spider, the... Virus, is way too much!
We can't do that!

But we have been attacking the Internet for the past months

*TDL face turns to a serious one*

Yeah, but that wasn't permanent, it was going to get better after a while. But this... This is for ever!

Exactly! That's what it makes it amazing!

It doesn't! I'm sorry, I cant let you do this...

Aw... Well then... I guess I can't do this!

*TDL heads to the button to press it when TCO tries to stop him, after a while of fighting, TDL gets to send the spider to a computer*

Haha! I did it!


*TCO kicks TDL to a wall*

How do you stop this?!

Hehe... Well, you can't


*TCO looks at the screen and he notices that the spider was sent to Alan's computer*

Hmm... Long time no see

What do you mean?

*TCO kicks in the head TDL making him go in a short coma to then start flying to the spider*

*After a while, TDL wakes up*

What the..? Oh shoot...
Well... While he is not here... Maybe, I can send some more spiders... Hehe...

Well, let's see... Were can I...

*TDL gets interrupted by a hit from TCO*

The Chosen One x The Dark Lord [Alan Becker]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu