Chapter 9: At Jinsung's Residence

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Hwaryun's group on 91st floor

It took 3 days for Hwaryun's group to arrive at the 91st Floor because they had to stop on each floor to take the tests.

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silvery light on the group as they navigated their way to Jinsung's place. Shadows danced around them, creating a serene yet mysterious atmosphere.

It was blissfully quiet til the silence was shattered by a loud cry..

Midnight was awakened and started crying all of sudden yet again.. and that woke up his twin brother too who started crying as well.

Endorsi: Geez. They're crying again!

What do they want now?!

Are they hungry again?!!!

Shibisu: Must be. But we have a problem.. About that.. all baby bottles have been emptied already. There's no more milk.

Endorsi: WHAAATT!!

Now how are we going to shut them up?!

Ohh great! Now we're gonna listen to them the whole night til their parents arrive?!

When are they going to be here, Hwaryun?!

The twins' cries seemed to echo off the area, casting a sombre mood over the journey.

And abruptly, a tall dark man with dark hair and a candy on a stick on his hand appeared from the shadows of the night.

???: Looks like the night will be lively!

Everyone looked at the person who said that.

Shibisu: Jinsung Ha!

Jinsung: Marvelous! They're auditioning for the night choir, aren't they?

Jinsung lightly cackled, trying to lighten up the mood.

Hwaryun: Indeed. Maybe someday, they'll be great singers and become idols at this rate so let them practice now.

Hwaryun added to the joke with a sarcastic face.

Laughter mingled with the babies' wails, creating a lighthearted march through the starlit night, each chuckle bringing them closer to their destination.

As they finally set foot in Jinsung's apartment, the lounge was well-lit and neat with all the furniture in place.

Jinsung: I'm glad you finally arrived. Welcome.

Everyone looked stiff and uneasy except for Hwaryun who sat down on the couch already as soon as they arrived.

Jinsung noticed that so he tried to put a gentle smile on his face to try and ease them up.

Jinsung: Make yourself comfortable. Don't worry. I won't eat you. Haha.

Though, where's Viole? And the Khun he ended up with.

As soon as he mentioned Khun's name, his demeanour changed into something playfully unfriendly smile.

Everyone is stunned and pulls out a slight sweaty smile looking at his reaction.

Hwaryun speaks up to break the awkwardness.

Hwaryun: They should be arriving soon.

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