Chapter-25 Daniel?

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Taehyung was just quietly sitting beside Jungkook waiting for nothing but some affection.
While Jungkook was busy in his thoughts. He knew that Taehyung has been staring at him for so long but after knowing the truth from Alex's father He was having mixed emotions not knowing how to react.
With a sigh He stands up looking back at Taehyung.
"To know the truth I have to get his normal self to talk to me. "
With this thought He grabs Taehyung picking him up going towards their room.
Taehyung did nothing but to cling onto him.
After entering inside the room Jungkook puts Taehyung on the bed and sits beside him.

"What did you do all day? "
He asks.
"Nothing Taetae was just missing you all day long and-and Didn't wanted to eat anything."
Taehyung answers sneaking his hand around Jungkook.
"Why not? You had breakfast and lunch right? "
Jungkook again questions.
"Mhhm Taetae did but It was all so tasteless. When you feed taetae the food becomes even more tastier."
Taehyung states nudging Jungkook's shoulder with his head.
"Daddy Let's cuddle Taetae missed you so much and Why were you late?  You said you will be back till 3pm. "
Taehyung says griping his waist firmly.
"Hm I got some work. "
Replies Jungkook.
"H-How was your day? Did you enjoyed going to college?"
Taehyung asks as a small smile captured his lips.
"Hm It was great I even made some friends. "
Jungkook replies.
"F-Friends? "
Jungkook hums.
"Alex...chris...matt and nick."
He says to which Taehyung said nothing.
"Look Taehyung I want to talk to your normal self So please slip out of your little space fast. "
Jungkook says more like orders to Taehyung who was now confused at the sudden request.
"Why? "
"Don't question me. "
Saying this he looks down playing with Jungkook's shirt.

Time passed and Taehyung fell asleep resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder.
While Jungkook fell asleep waiting for Taehyung to slip out.
In the meantime Jaehyun gets back finding the mansion so silent and gloomy He steps inside Taehyung's room.
After seeing the scene infront of him a small smirk appears on his face.
Stepping closer to Jungkook's face He traces His cheeks down to his neck.
"Hmm Empty... Is this the one that was around your neck?"
He whispers taking out a locket from his pocket which had blood stains visible on it.
He lightly ties it around Jungkook's neck causing him to stiff in his place.
Feeling a stare and something around his neck Jungkook slowly opens his eyes only to find jaehyun who was standing at the door making an eye contact with Jungkook He steps out of the room.
While Jungkook sits there rubbing his eyes. He takes a moment to process things. After a while He felt something around his neck. Looking down at it He widens his eyes.
"Locket? B-But Didn't I gave it to that man.. Why is it here? Was it all a dream? But How is it possible..?"
Mumbling these things He holds the locket looking at it closely. Soon his confused eyes were replaced by Fear.

"B-Blood? Why-Why is there blood? 
Jae-Jaehyun did he...No No No."
He was busy connecting the dots when his phone rang causing him to flinch.
He looks at the number finding it unknown. He slowly reaches out for it.
"H-Hello? "
"Jungkook It's-it's Me Alex. "
"A-Alex Y-Yeah what's wrong? "
"M-My dad He is dead And I-I am somewhere I-I don't know Jaehyun came there and they were talking and th-then suddenly Jaehyun shot him M-My dad looked at me and shouted telling me to-to run and I-I ran I don't know where I am Please Please save me please... Come here fast Please.
I-I also have to tell you something very important please come here fastly. "
Hearing this Jungkook went blank Not knowing How to react. He gathers up his all courage and finally speaks up.
"Send me Y-Your location. I will be there soon Wait for me. "
Saying this he ends the call. He then looks to his side knowing that Taehyung has been staring at him.
Without uttering a single word he stands up Exiting the room.

He Directly goes towards Jaehyun's room banging on the door loudly.
"Jaehyun. "
He shouts but no one opened the door. He then goes downstairs looking everywhere but found no trace of jaehyun.
"Forget it I will talk to him later let's first go to Alex."
Saying this He steps towards main door taking out his phone looking at the location Alex sent.
He was still facing the door when He felt a tap on his shoulder He turns around with a flinch only to find jaehyun.
"Looking for me? "
Jaehyun asks with a playful grin.
"Unfortunately yes. "
"I see..Your locket is looking gud But I think you should clean it."
Hearing this Jungkook remembered Alex's dad. He immediately punched Jaehyun on the face causing him to stumble.
Jaehyun glares at him and was about to punch him back but before he could Jungkook was pulled behind with a jerk.
Looking up at the person He Was met with a broad back.
While Jaehyun stood there in shock.
Jungkook being curious slowly peeks from side only to be met with the side profile of that person.

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