Chapter 32 - Blast From Past

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In the evening, he didn't waste any time. Allen met with Albert outside the city. They then went to Dan's house together.

" If we both miss work on the same day, will anyone suspect anything ? " asked Allen

" No ! As a matter of fact, I'm working right now. You can do anything when you are the highest authority " said Albert

" So how far is her house ? " asked Allen

" From here, about 5 hours drive " said Albert

Allen drove to Dan's house, he thought about finding something useful. Hours later they arrived at their destination.

They both went to the door and unlocked it.

" There is a security system inside, the password is 729539 " said Albert

Allen turned on the lights and disabled the security system.

" Let's not waste any more time " said Albert

They searched every square inch of the place for any useful files, computers, photos, or anything else that could be helpful.

They searched for a couple of hours without finding anything useful.

" There is nothing in here " said Allen with frustration.

" Keep looking " said Albert

Despite his frustration, Allen continued to search.

They searched for another hour

" There is nothing here, it was a waste of our time. Fuck..... " said Allen

Albert took a deep breath " It is already late, so we will stay here tonight. "

Allen didn't say anything back, he was so disappointed.

July- 6- 2054 Tuesday

They were preparing to leave in the morning.

" Let's go " said Allen

Albert was still searching for something here and there. He then noticed a photo of Dan in the wall. " What were you hiding from me ? "

Allen was waiting for Albert in his car when Albert called him. He went inside

" What ? " asked Allen

" Look at this picture " Albert showed him a picture of a young Dan infront of her house.

" It's a different house. It doesn't look like this one " said Allen

" Look here " Albert showed him some documents " When I removed the back of the photo, I discovered them. These are the papers from the house she bought. But it doesn't belong to her, the name on the document is different. "

Allen read the documents carefully " What if she bought this under a false name? As you can see from the date, the house was bought a couple of months after the second portal opened. "

" That makes sense. She must have found something. The place was used to hide it. " said Albert

" Look here " Allen showed a map in his phone " I searched for the house's location. About 20 miles from here, it's really remote. It's in the middle of the woods, so it's a good place to hide something. " said Allen

" Let's find out what she was hiding there. " said Albert

Allen started the car and they followed the GPS. They reached the woods within a few hours.

End Of The BeginningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ