Chapter 6

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On her way to the last corridor, Frisk kept her positive and warm attitude, taking steps seemingly without a hurry and shining off to everyone to the best of her ability once again.

After a lot of actions and encounters, she eventually arrived to the MTT resort, a structure with gray walls, gleaming windows that let in yellow light, and a large "MTT Resort" sign that is, of course, painted in golden hues. It was there that she also encountered Sans in front of the building, who was standing motionless with his eyes half open and a yellow light shining on his head, adding a dramatic touch to him.

With skipping steps and a bright smile, Frisk approached Sans, and I guess Sans also realized Frisk's presence in the place. As Frisk finally got close to Sans, she started curiously

"Hi! Are you waiting for someone?"

Frisk stated, his face showing both evident happiness and curiosity. Sans, not wanting to linger on the fact that Frisk was a little hurt, shrugged and smiled as he heard the sentence.

"Hey, I heard you are going to the core."

Sans said, winking an eye.

"How about grabbing some dinner with me first?"

Sans stated, and Frisk giggled softly at Sans.

"Sure! I am hungry down to the bone; it wouldn't hurt to get some things to eat."

Frisk responded in irony, and Sans smiled slightly at her joke. Sans then extended his hand for Frisk to accept, and Frisk shrugged off the momentary embarrassment on her face.

"Great, thanks for treating me."

Sans joked on and immediately said

"Over here, I know a shortcut."

In a short second, they were already in front of each other. Looking around, Frisk saw that they were in the saloon in the MTT building, with slightly dark light emitting around, a table colored crimson, and a very few candles in front of them, flashing a fainting light. However you look at this situation, it felt romantic to Frisk, but without further ado, Sans began his speech.

"Well, here we are. So, your journey is almost over, huh? You must really want to go home."

Sans rolled his eyes at its lineage, portraying it in a serene manner.

"Hey, I know the feeling, buddy, though. Maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you."

Sans said, slightly nervously.

"...down here, you've already got food, drink, and friends. Is what you have to do really worth it?"

Silencing up for a second, Sans averted his look around, whereas Frisk was staring over Sans with eyes carefully dodging direct eye contact, but eyes that appeared to be investigating and considering, which Sans turned back once again, sighing briefly.

"Ah, forget it."

Before Sans was about to finish his sentence, Frisk jumped into the sentence with a hesitating voice.


Frisk said this and suddenly fell silent for a second, then sighed.


Frisk spoke, appearing to be smiling and sporting downturned eyebrows, but her eyes betrayed her with a few tears trickling down.

Sans just gave her a nervous smile and started

"Hey, let me tell you a story."

Sans started with a smirk on his face. Frisk stopped sobbing silently and focused on Sans's eyes as Sans continued.

"So, I am a sentry in Snowdin Forest. Right, I sit out there and watch out for humans; it's kind of boring."

Sans winked an eye, jokingly, and kept speaking.

"Fortunately, deep in the forest...there's this HUGE locked door, and it's perfect for practicing knock knock jokes, so one day, I'm knocking 'em out, like usual, I knock on the door and say, 'knock, knock' and suddenly from the other side..."

While continuing his speech about how he met Toriel and their bad jokes together, Sans finally reaches the end of his speech and takes a serious face, which he states

"You know what would happen if she didn't say anything."

In the middle of his sentence, Frisk breaks down in tears once more, her eyes streaming through her skin. Sans merely gives Frisk an anxious gaze as he struggles to decide what to do at the moment. Abruptly, Frisk starts with a shaking voice.

"Sorry, I just felt a bad aura around us suddenly."

With a few more sobs, Frisk finally cleans her face and faces Sans again, smiling. She asks

"Anyway, what were you going to say again?"

Sans looks around warily, avoiding Frisk's sight. Even those behind him seem to have heard about Frisk's faint cries in some way. Sensing that things are going to get messy now, he simply says,

"Welp. I better go off, kiddo. Papyrus callin'; it looks like he got a bone to pick up."

Playfully, Sans leaves the room abruptly, leaving Frisk by himself. The once-crying Frisk now smirks quietly. With slow steps, she exits MTT Resort and investigates in front of the building, where Frisk begins to murmur under her breath.


Frisk muttered and started to walk slowly to the last corridor, skipping steps. She started to repeatedly mutter Sans's name rhythmically with her steps. which—

She encountered various monsters along the way of the Last Corridor, and as usual, she had a kind personality toward them.

With nothing noteworthy happening, she made her way to the Last Corridor, which...


Sans was nowhere to be found.

As Frisk reached the end of the corridor, she started to look around. Where was he? He must be here now; he is the judge, after all!

With steps filled with worrisomeness, Frisk started to panic and started to circle around the room, shouting while doing so.

"Sans! Where are you!?"

As Frisk was wondering where could he went to, she started to realize, Yes, there's no way that he is anywhere else than there right now!

Readying her knife on her throat, Frisk bled through... and loaded the last file, which was just after their conservation with Sans at MTT Resort. Frisk started to run down to the bottom, but she knew she couldn't make it in there with only running steps...

However, she... was

Determinded... to do so


After the very anxious moment at MTT Resort, Sans visited Waterfall to calm down a little bit. He always finds some solace here. Somehow, the falling water sounds were always like silent therapy for him. Upon stumbling around the waterfall, Sans realized a weird toss sound coming from the lake.

The just-all-so-curious Sans couldn't bear the feeling of his curiosity and started to look around the place for the source of the sound.

Lake after lake after lake, nothing seemed to be around.

Finally, convinced that he was probably delusional (copium), Sans started to go back to his original spot.

On the way back, Sans spotted a lake with rocks falling on it's uphill, and somehow there was wind coming to him from there.

Confusingly, Sans started to head over the place, and whilst touching the lake...

Which... His hands gone through it, with a sense of danger but overwhelming curiosity, Sans entered a seemingly cave-looking place. It was a small area with lots of weird hearts on its walls, covering all over the place, all of them with different colors. Some places also had lots of unreadable text, but some places were decorated with different colors of the same text, "S <3 F." Confusedly, Sans's eyes as last saw some items lying on the ground. Since it was quite dark, he was unable to really tell from a distance, so he took some steps onto the items.

What he saw was unbelievable.

A ketchup bottle, written Sans on it thousands of times, A pencil set with different colors, a lot of them having heart shapes written over them over and over again with lots of unreadable text, and finally a MP3 player, united with a curly black earphone, which Sans was just too puzzled but was sure something didn't just feel right... about once again, and so he took the MP3 Player and hit the start button.

It was messy. A few steps sound echoed to him through the earphones, seemingly on snow, judging by the noises, Which, steps got just louder and lourder, it seems that someone is getting closer to the recorder...

And suddenly someone spoke...

"Human... Don't you know how to greet a new pal?"

It was a messy record. Nevertheless, the realization hit Sans like a truck: those items were Frisk's, weren't they? That pencil set was definitely the one Frisk was carrying.

But what are they doing in he—

Sans's thoughts are interrupted as a loud, splashing sound comes before him, creating a shadow figure on the floor. A black figure of a human is shown off before him, as Sans turns around with a nervous and fearful glance, and he faces Frisk herself with a blank look on her eyes, he feels a faint scare on himself, whereas Frisk, whom is breathing heavily and is covered in sweat, as if she just ran a maraton, looks down on Sans and suddenly, Frisk's eyes are filled with seriousness, a really dark aura is waving through the little cave, Sans whom was silent through the time, doesn't know why but the air feels just too tight to even mutter a word right now, as Frisk looks up once again, She tilts her head slightly in annoyance and starts to speak with a trembling yet deep voice.

"Everything would be better if you hadn't seen anything, Sans."

Frisk slowly took a few steps closer to Sans, humming a melody silently, and revealing a handcuffs on her hands whilst taking steps, which were out of sight a few moments ago.
And as she got a bit close, she glances at Sans with despair on her eyes

"But it will all going to be alright, Sans."

Lane of Jealousy: Yandere FriskWhere stories live. Discover now